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Welcome to the collection of Lua repositories! ๐Ÿ‘‹

All repositories are automatically sorted by a specific Score, which takes into account the date of the last commit, the number of stars, and also gives a slight advantage to repositories that have been recently created.

The meta-information about repositories is automatically updated regularly.
The generator for these pages is also written in Lua ๐ŸŒ‘

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Circles Legend
Last commit..

โšช 0-7 days ago ๐ŸŸข 8-30 days ago
๐ŸŸก 31-60 days ago ๐ŸŸ  61-90 days ago
๐ŸŸค 91-180 days ago ๐Ÿ”ด 181-365 days ago
โšซ 366+ days ago


โšช NvChad/NvChad โ€“ Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.

Topics: dotfiles, editor, foss, ide, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, neovim-setup, nvchad, nvim, nvim-configs, open-source, rice, ricing, vim, vimrc, vscode
Watchers: 137 Forks: 1757 Stars: 20615 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-07
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช LunarVim/LunarVim โ€“ ๐ŸŒ™ LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.

Topics: formatters, hacktoberfest, ide, linters, lua, lunarvim, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-lua, neovim-setup, nvim, snippets, vim, vimrc, vscode
Watchers: 116 Forks: 1499 Stars: 16620 Issues: 53
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2018-08-16
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸ  SpaceVim/SpaceVim โ€“ A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc

Topics: awesome, editor, ide, lua, neovim, space-vim, spacemacs, spacevim, vim, vim-configuration, vim-distribution, vimrc
Watchers: 305 Forks: 1496 Stars: 20088 Issues: 38
Last commit: 2023-09-23 (89 days ago)
Created at: 2016-12-26
License: none

โšช nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim โ€“ Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-lua
Watchers: 48 Forks: 713 Stars: 12210 Issues: 293
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2020-07-15
License: MIT License

โšช kabinspace/AstroVim โ€“ AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins

Topics: astronvim, astrovim, hacktoberfest, ide, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-lua, neovim-setup, nvim, vim
Watchers: 60 Forks: 815 Stars: 10832 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-02
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช AstroNvim/AstroNvim โ€“ AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins

Topics: astronvim, astrovim, hacktoberfest, ide, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-lua, neovim-setup, nvim, vim
Watchers: 60 Forks: 815 Stars: 10832 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-02
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช hrsh7th/nvim-cmp โ€“ A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.

Topics: nvim-cmp
Watchers: 47 Forks: 328 Stars: 6303 Issues: 195
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-29
License: MIT License

โšช nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua โ€“ A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua

Topics: file-explorer, lua, neovim
Watchers: 23 Forks: 590 Stars: 5961 Issues: 51
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2020-02-04
License: Other

โšช kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua โ€“ A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua

Topics: file-explorer, lua, neovim
Watchers: 23 Forks: 590 Stars: 5961 Issues: 51
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2020-02-04
License: Other

โšช williamboman/mason.nvim โ€“ Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.

Topics: hacktoberfest, lspinstall, lua, manager, mason, masoninstall, neovim, nvim, nvim-lsp-installer, package, package-manager, packages
Watchers: 19 Forks: 242 Stars: 5842 Issues: 112
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (2 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-06
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช nvim-neorg/neorg โ€“ Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.

Topics: hacktoberfest, lua, neorg, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, org-mode, organization
Watchers: 48 Forks: 161 Stars: 5092 Issues: 150
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-11
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim โ€“ A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.

Topics: lua, lualine, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, neovim-statusline, nvim, statusline
Watchers: 17 Forks: 429 Stars: 4706 Issues: 173
Last commit: 2023-12-16 (5 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-30
License: MIT License

โšช folke/tokyonight.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ™ A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish.

Topics: alacritty, alacritty-colorscheme, alacritty-theme, fish-shell, fish-theme, iterm2, iterm2-colors, kitty, kitty-themes, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-lua, neovim-theme, vim, vim-colorscheme, vim-theme
Watchers: 17 Forks: 298 Stars: 4483 Issues: 46
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-16
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช catppuccin/nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿจ Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim

Topics: catppuccin, colorscheme, hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, neovim-theme, nvim, theme, vim, vim-theme
Watchers: 17 Forks: 188 Stars: 3830 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-18
License: MIT License

โšช folke/which-key.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ’ฅ Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey is a lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that displays a popup with possible keybindings of the command you started typing.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 9 Forks: 136 Stars: 3795 Issues: 168
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-28
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช folke/trouble.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿšฆ A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lsp, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 16 Forks: 138 Stars: 3899 Issues: 119
Last commit: 2023-12-15 (6 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-21
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim โ€“ Git integration for buffers

Topics: git, lua, neovim, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 22 Forks: 146 Stars: 3819 Issues: 55
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (9 days ago)
Created at: 2020-10-18
License: MIT License

โšช rebelot/kanagawa.nvim โ€“ NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.

Topics: lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-theme, nvim, syntax-highlighting, terminal-colors, theme, tree-sitter-highlight
Watchers: 10 Forks: 123 Stars: 3094 Issues: 41
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-20
License: MIT License

โšช akinsho/toggleterm.nvim โ€“ A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows

Topics: lua, neovim, plugin, terminal
Watchers: 15 Forks: 147 Stars: 3245 Issues: 36
Last commit: 2023-12-16 (5 days ago)
Created at: 2020-08-17
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช echasnovski/mini.nvim โ€“ Library of 35+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.7 and higher) experience with minimal effort

Topics: lua, mini-nvim, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 17 Forks: 118 Stars: 3198 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-18
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค wbthomason/packer.nvim โ€“ A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, package-manager, packer, plugin-manager
Watchers: 28 Forks: 269 Stars: 7267 Issues: 303
Last commit: 2023-09-21 (91 days ago)
Created at: 2017-11-19
License: MIT License

โšช numToStr/Comment.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿง  ๐Ÿ’ช // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more

Topics: comment, comment-plugin, hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 14 Forks: 116 Stars: 3018 Issues: 39
Last commit: 2023-12-16 (5 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim โ€“ improve neovim lsp experience

Topics: lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 15 Forks: 264 Stars: 3107 Issues: 18
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-16
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข glepnir/lspsaga.nvim โ€“ improve neovim lsp experience

Topics: lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 15 Forks: 264 Stars: 3107 Issues: 18
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-16
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข akinsho/bufferline.nvim โ€“ A snazzy bufferline for Neovim

Topics: bufferline, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, vim
Watchers: 8 Forks: 158 Stars: 2852 Issues: 30
Last commit: 2023-12-13 (8 days ago)
Created at: 2020-05-07
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช windwp/nvim-autopairs โ€“ autopairs for neovim written by lua

Topics: autopairs, lua, neovim, nvim, vim
Watchers: 13 Forks: 108 Stars: 2520 Issues: 16
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-10
License: MIT License

โšช EdenEast/nightfox.nvim โ€“ ๐ŸฆŠA highly customizable theme for vim and neovim with support for lsp, treesitter and a variety of plugins.

Topics: colorblind, colorscheme, daltonism, lua, neovim, neovim-theme, theme, vim, vim-theme
Watchers: 11 Forks: 115 Stars: 2482 Issues: 14
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-20
License: MIT License

โšช L3MON4D3/LuaSnip โ€“ Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua.

Topics: lua, neovim, snippet-engine, snippets
Watchers: 15 Forks: 219 Stars: 2516 Issues: 70
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (2 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-19
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin to manage the file system and other tree like structures.

Topics: file-explorer, lua, neovim, plugin
Watchers: 10 Forks: 158 Stars: 2341 Issues: 147
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (2 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-12
License: MIT License

โšช ayamir/nvimdots โ€“ A well configured and structured Neovim.

Topics: dotfiles, editor, ide, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, neovim-setup, nvim, nvim-configs, vim, vimrc
Watchers: 24 Forks: 432 Stars: 2486 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-12-14 (7 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-19
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข nvim-orgmode/orgmode โ€“ Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.9+.

Topics: neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim-cmp, org-mode, orgmode, orgmode-nvim, vim
Watchers: 24 Forks: 112 Stars: 2551 Issues: 138
Last commit: 2023-12-04 (17 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-13
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข kylechui/nvim-surround โ€“ Add/change/delete surrounding delimiter pairs with ease. Written with โค๏ธ in Lua.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, surround, ucla-opensource
Watchers: 8 Forks: 52 Stars: 2296 Issues: 21
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-29
License: MIT License

โšช LunarVim/Launch.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿš€ Launch.nvim is modular starter for Neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-dotfiles, nvim, vim
Watchers: 21 Forks: 450 Stars: 1801 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (2 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-15
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช LunarVim/nvim-basic-ide โ€“ ๐Ÿš€ Launch.nvim is modular starter for Neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-dotfiles, nvim, vim
Watchers: 21 Forks: 450 Stars: 1801 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (2 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-15
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข nvim-lua/plenary.nvim โ€“ plenary: full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. All the lua functions I don't want to write twice.

Topics: lua, neovim
Watchers: 21 Forks: 244 Stars: 2059 Issues: 107
Last commit: 2023-12-09 (12 days ago)
Created at: 2020-04-11
License: MIT License

โšช nvim-neotest/neotest โ€“ An extensible framework for interacting with tests within NeoVim.

Topics: lua, neovim
Watchers: 13 Forks: 81 Stars: 1676 Issues: 40
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-02
License: MIT License

โšช kevinhwang91/nvim-ufo โ€“ Not UFO in the sky, but an ultra fold in Neovim.

Topics: fold, lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 9 Forks: 22 Stars: 1712 Issues: 15
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-01
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

โšช folke/neodev.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ’ป Neovim setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lsp, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 12 Forks: 52 Stars: 1628 Issues: 19
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-19
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช folke/lua-dev.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ’ป Neovim setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lsp, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 12 Forks: 52 Stars: 1628 Issues: 19
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-19
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons โ€“ lua fork of vim-web-devicons for neovim

Topics: nerd-fonts
Watchers: 11 Forks: 153 Stars: 1576 Issues: 27
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2020-05-29
License: MIT License

โšช kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons โ€“ lua fork of vim-web-devicons for neovim

Topics: nerd-fonts
Watchers: 11 Forks: 153 Stars: 1576 Issues: 27
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2020-05-29
License: MIT License

โšช rose-pine/neovim โ€“ Soho vibes for Neovim

Topics: editor, lua, neovim, neovim-theme, nvim, rose-pine, soho-vibes, theme, vim, vim-theme
Watchers: 8 Forks: 88 Stars: 1490 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-18
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข projekt0n/github-nvim-theme โ€“ Github's Neovim themes

Topics: colorscheme, lua, neovim
Watchers: 12 Forks: 96 Stars: 1830 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-21
License: MIT License

โšช ray-x/go.nvim โ€“ A feature-rich Go development plugin, leveraging gopls, treesitter AST, Dap, and various Go tools to enhance the dev experience.

Topics: go, golang, gopls, neovim, neovim-plugin, null-ls, nvim, nvim-dap, nvim-plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 11 Forks: 97 Stars: 1450 Issues: 38
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-10
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui โ€“ A UI for nvim-dap

Topics: debugging, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-dap
Watchers: 6 Forks: 71 Stars: 1871 Issues: 45
Last commit: 2023-12-04 (17 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-18
License: MIT License

โšช ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim โ€“ Lua port of the most famous vim colorscheme

Topics: colorscheme, gruvbox, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-plugin, neovim-plugins
Watchers: 10 Forks: 152 Stars: 1375 Issues: 12
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-02
License: MIT License

โšช epwalsh/obsidian.nvim โ€“ Obsidian ๐Ÿค Neovim

Topics: neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-cmp
Watchers: 5 Forks: 77 Stars: 1298 Issues: 14
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-31
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim โ€“ File Browser extension for telescope.nvim

Topics: file-explorer, file-manager, lua, neovim
Watchers: 6 Forks: 77 Stars: 1323 Issues: 29
Last commit: 2023-12-15 (6 days ago)
Created at: 2021-11-13
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  jdhao/nvim-config โ€“ A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more...

Topics: neovim, neovim-conf, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, nvim
Watchers: 41 Forks: 448 Stars: 2918 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-10-20 (61 days ago)
Created at: 2019-04-25
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf โ€“ Better quickfix window in Neovim, polish old quickfix window.

Topics: fzf, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, qf, quickfix, vim
Watchers: 14 Forks: 22 Stars: 1391 Issues: 13
Last commit: 2023-12-06 (15 days ago)
Created at: 2020-10-01
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

๐ŸŸข MunifTanjim/nui.nvim โ€“ UI Component Library for Neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, neovim-ui, nvim, ui-components
Watchers: 11 Forks: 36 Stars: 1201 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (9 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-09
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข navarasu/onedark.nvim โ€“ One dark and light colorscheme for neovim >= 0.5.0 written in lua based on Atom's One Dark and Light theme. Additionally, it comes with 5 color variant styles

Topics: dark-theme, lua, neovim, neovim-theme, nvim, onedark, theme, treesitter, vim
Watchers: 11 Forks: 129 Stars: 1243 Issues: 49
Last commit: 2023-12-06 (15 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-09
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข renerocksai/telekasten.nvim โ€“ A Neovim (lua) plugin for working with a markdown zettelkasten / wiki and mixing it with a journal, based on telescope.nvim

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim
Watchers: 16 Forks: 73 Stars: 1108 Issues: 55
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2021-11-21
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua โ€“ The fastest Neovim colorizer.

Topics: none
Watchers: 23 Forks: 97 Stars: 1974 Issues: 58
Last commit: 2023-11-07 (44 days ago)
Created at: 2019-10-17
License: Other

๐ŸŸข rktjmp/lush.nvim โ€“ Create Neovim themes with real-time feedback, export anywhere.

Topics: color-scheme, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 10 Forks: 40 Stars: 1207 Issues: 12
Last commit: 2023-12-05 (15 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-17
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข goolord/alpha-nvim โ€“ a lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim

Topics: alpha-nvim, dashboard-nvim, neovim, vim-startify
Watchers: 7 Forks: 87 Stars: 1384 Issues: 26
Last commit: 2023-11-28 (23 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-01
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข karb94/neoscroll.nvim โ€“ Smooth scrolling neovim plugin written in lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 6 Forks: 30 Stars: 1113 Issues: 22
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-27
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข ray-x/navigator.lua โ€“ Code analysis & navigation plugin for Neovim. Navigate codes like a breeze๐ŸŽ Exploring LSP and ๐ŸŒฒTreesitter symbols a piece of ๐Ÿฐ Take control like a boss ๐Ÿฆ

Topics: diagnostics, language-server-client, lsp, lspconfig, navigation, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim-plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 6 Forks: 56 Stars: 1141 Issues: 15
Last commit: 2023-12-06 (15 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-19
License: MIT License

โšช kdheepak/lazygit.nvim โ€“ Plugin for calling lazygit from within neovim.

Topics: lazygit, lua, neovim, plugin
Watchers: 7 Forks: 41 Stars: 933 Issues: 26
Last commit: 2023-12-15 (6 days ago)
Created at: 2020-04-03
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข ellisonleao/glow.nvim โ€“ A markdown preview directly in your neovim.

Topics: glow, golang, lua, markdown, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, preview, vim
Watchers: 8 Forks: 50 Stars: 1074 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2020-08-12
License: MIT License

โšช marko-cerovac/material.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ”ฑ Material colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins

Topics: colorscheme, lua, material, neovim, neovim-lua, treesitter
Watchers: 5 Forks: 115 Stars: 854 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-16 (5 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-21
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸข SmiteshP/nvim-navic โ€“ Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context

Topics: document-symbols, language-server-protocol, lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 8 Forks: 51 Stars: 1192 Issues: 13
Last commit: 2023-11-30 (21 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-23
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข onsails/lspkind-nvim โ€“ vscode-like pictograms for neovim lsp completion items

Topics: lsp, lua, neovim, nvim
Watchers: 6 Forks: 29 Stars: 1167 Issues: 18
Last commit: 2023-12-01 (20 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-04
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข onsails/lspkind.nvim โ€“ vscode-like pictograms for neovim lsp completion items

Topics: lsp, lua, neovim, nvim
Watchers: 6 Forks: 29 Stars: 1167 Issues: 18
Last commit: 2023-12-01 (20 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-04
License: MIT License

โšช shaunsingh/nord.nvim โ€“ Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

Topics: colorscheme, neovim, nord, nvim, theme
Watchers: 5 Forks: 97 Stars: 700 Issues: 23
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-14
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸข NTBBloodbath/rest.nvim โ€“ A fast Neovim http client written in Lua

Topics: curl, http-client, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, rest-client
Watchers: 8 Forks: 83 Stars: 985 Issues: 70
Last commit: 2023-12-05 (16 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-05
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข rest-nvim/rest.nvim โ€“ A fast Neovim http client written in Lua

Topics: curl, http-client, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, rest-client
Watchers: 8 Forks: 83 Stars: 985 Issues: 70
Last commit: 2023-12-05 (16 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-05
License: MIT License

โšช AstroNvim/astrocommunity โ€“ A community repository of common plugin specifications

Topics: astronvim, astrovim, hacktoberfest, lazy, lazynvim, lua, neovim
Watchers: 15 Forks: 126 Stars: 697 Issues: 14
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2023-02-21
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช nvimtools/none-ls.nvim โ€“ null-ls.nvim reloaded / Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua.

Topics: none
Watchers: 11 Forks: 20 Stars: 1022 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2023-08-30
License: Other

๐ŸŸข CosmicNvim/CosmicNvim โ€“ CosmicNvim is a lightweight and opinionated Neovim config for web development, specifically designed to provide a ๐Ÿ’ซ COSMIC programming experience!

Topics: dotfiles, hacktoberfest2021, ide, javascript, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, react, svelte, telescope, typescript, vim, vimrc, vscode, vue
Watchers: 18 Forks: 68 Stars: 1035 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-11-28 (23 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-19
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข rmagatti/auto-session โ€“ A small automated session manager for Neovim

Topics: hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 6 Forks: 34 Stars: 879 Issues: 27
Last commit: 2023-12-05 (16 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-30
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข danymat/neogen โ€“ A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions.

Topics: annotation, comment, lua, neovim, neovim-annotation, neovim-documentation, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 9 Forks: 47 Stars: 973 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-11-29 (22 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-15
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring โ€“ Neovim treesitter plugin for setting the commentstring based on the cursor location in a file.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, plugin, tree-sitter, treesitter
Watchers: 7 Forks: 26 Stars: 941 Issues: 14
Last commit: 2023-11-30 (21 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-24
License: MIT License

โšช kevinhwang91/nvim-hlslens โ€“ Hlsearch Lens for Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 7 Forks: 8 Stars: 666 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-15
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

โšช b0o/SchemaStore.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ› JSON schemas for Neovim

Topics: autocompletion, intellisense, json, json-language-server, json-schemas, jsonls, language-server-protocol, linting, lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, null-ls, nvim, nvim-plugin, schema-registry, schemas, schemastore, yaml-language-server, yamlls
Watchers: 5 Forks: 12 Stars: 556 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-07
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข anuvyklack/hydra.nvim โ€“ Create custom submodes and menus

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 8 Forks: 25 Stars: 947 Issues: 51
Last commit: 2023-11-28 (23 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-06
License: none

๐ŸŸข glepnir/nvim โ€“ neovim configuration written in lua

Topics: lua, nvim
Watchers: 17 Forks: 62 Stars: 715 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-13 (8 days ago)
Created at: 2020-08-30
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข AckslD/nvim-neoclip.lua โ€“ Clipboard manager neovim plugin with telescope integration

Topics: none
Watchers: 2 Forks: 18 Stars: 798 Issues: 16
Last commit: 2023-12-04 (17 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-15
License: none

โšช uga-rosa/ccc.nvim โ€“ Color picker and highlighter plugin for Neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 5 Forks: 8 Stars: 577 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-16 (5 days ago)
Created at: 2022-09-13
License: MIT License

โšช Mofiqul/vscode.nvim โ€“ Neovim/Vim color scheme inspired by Dark+ and Light+ theme in Visual Studio Code

Topics: codedark, color-scheme, colorscheme, lua, lualine-theme, neovim, nvim, scheme, treesitter, vim, vscode
Watchers: 5 Forks: 85 Stars: 551 Issues: 36
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-19
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก edluffy/hologram.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ‘ป A cross platform terminal image viewer for Neovim. Extensible and fast, written in Lua and C. Works on macOS and Linux.

Topics: none
Watchers: 24 Forks: 32 Stars: 1094 Issues: 22
Last commit: 2023-11-15 (36 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-01
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim โ€“ ๐ŸŽจ Atom's iconic One Dark theme, for Neovim. Cacheable, fully customisable, Treesitter + LSP semantic token support. Comes with variants

Topics: colorscheme, lua, neovim, nvim, onedark, onedarkpro, onelight, theme
Watchers: 8 Forks: 31 Stars: 603 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-07
License: MIT License

โšช Allaman/nvim โ€“ Straightforward and pure Lua based Neovim configuration for my work as DevOps/Cloud Engineer with batteries included for Python, Golang, and, of course, YAML

Topics: configuration, devops, dotfiles, golang, ide, lua, markdown, neovim, nvim, python, texteditor, vim, workflow
Watchers: 13 Forks: 63 Stars: 502 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-18 (3 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-07
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข andweeb/presence.nvim โ€“ Discord Rich Presence for Neovim

Topics: discord, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, rich-presence
Watchers: 5 Forks: 50 Stars: 675 Issues: 65
Last commit: 2023-12-04 (16 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-03
License: none

๐ŸŸข jamestthompson3/nvim-remote-containers โ€“ Develop inside docker containers, just like VSCode

Topics: docker, lua, neovim, nvim, remote-containers
Watchers: 7 Forks: 20 Stars: 688 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2020-02-23
License: Other

๐ŸŸข savq/paq-nvim โ€“ ๐ŸŒš Neovim package manager

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, package-manager
Watchers: 9 Forks: 35 Stars: 619 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2023-12-10 (11 days ago)
Created at: 2020-09-19
License: MIT License

โšช m4xshen/hardtime.nvim โ€“ A Neovim plugin helping you establish good command workflow and habit

Topics: hacktoberfest, hardtime, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, productivity, vim, workflow
Watchers: 6 Forks: 13 Stars: 584 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-15 (6 days ago)
Created at: 2023-04-24
License: MIT License

โšช luukvbaal/statuscol.nvim โ€“ Status column plugin that provides a configurable 'statuscolumn' and click handlers.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua, nvim, plugin, statuscolumn
Watchers: 8 Forks: 14 Stars: 381 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-16 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2022-11-21
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข monaqa/dial.nvim โ€“ enhanced increment/decrement plugin for Neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 7 Forks: 11 Stars: 673 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-11-30 (21 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-22
License: MIT License

โšช Mofiqul/dracula.nvim โ€“ Dracula colorscheme for neovim written in Lua

Topics: color-scheme, dracula-color-scheme, neovim, treesitter
Watchers: 9 Forks: 92 Stars: 485 Issues: 16
Last commit: 2023-12-15 (6 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-03
License: MIT License

โšช altermo/ultimate-autopair.nvim โ€“ A treesitter supported autopairing plugin with extensions, and much more

Topics: autopair, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 12 Forks: 1 Stars: 354 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2023-02-02
License: MIT License

โšช mrcjkb/haskell-tools.nvim โ€“ Supercharge your Haskell experience in neovim!

Topics: dap, debug-adapter-protocol, fast-tags, haskell, hoogle, language-server, language-server-protocol, lsp, lsp-client, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin, repl, tagfunc, telescope, vim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 14 Stars: 326 Issues: 18
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-15
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸข nanozuki/tabby.nvim โ€“ A declarative, highly configurable, and neovim style tabline plugin. Use your nvim tabs as a workspace multiplexer!

Topics: bufferline, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, tabline
Watchers: 5 Forks: 18 Stars: 458 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (8 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-24
License: MIT License

โšช CRAG666/code_runner.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin.The best code runner you could have, it is like the one in vscode but with super powers, it manages projects like in intellij but without being slow

Topics: coderunner, executable, lua, lua-script, luajit, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin, run-command, vim-configs, vim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 30 Stars: 427 Issues: 14
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-26
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก artart222/CodeArt โ€“ Use NeoVim as general purpose IDE

Topics: dotfiles, ide, lua, neovim, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, nvim, nvim-configs, nvim-dotfiles, rice, ricing, vim, vimrc
Watchers: 15 Forks: 40 Stars: 873 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-11-10 (41 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-26
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช mhanberg/elixir.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin for Elixir

Topics: elixir, lua, neovim, plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 13 Forks: 28 Stars: 329 Issues: 21
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-23
License: MIT License

โšช elixir-tools/elixir-tools.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin for Elixir

Topics: elixir, lua, neovim, plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 13 Forks: 28 Stars: 329 Issues: 21
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-23
License: MIT License

โšช willothy/nvim-cokeline โ€“ ๐Ÿ‘ƒ A Neovim bufferline for people with addictive personalities

Topics: bufferline, hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, tabline
Watchers: 5 Forks: 32 Stars: 435 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-12-15 (6 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-29
License: MIT License

โšช noib3/nvim-cokeline โ€“ ๐Ÿ‘ƒ A Neovim bufferline for people with addictive personalities

Topics: bufferline, hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, tabline
Watchers: 5 Forks: 32 Stars: 435 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-12-15 (6 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-29
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข shortcuts/no-neck-pain.nvim โ€“ โ˜• Dead simple yet super extensible plugin to center the currently focused buffer to the middle of the screen.

Topics: layout, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, neovim-ui, nvim, plugin, scratchpad, ui, ux, zenmode
Watchers: 6 Forks: 11 Stars: 334 Issues: 16
Last commit: 2023-12-13 (8 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-23
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข rmagatti/goto-preview โ€“ A small Neovim plugin for previewing definitions using floating windows.

Topics: hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 22 Stars: 653 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2023-11-21 (30 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-07
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข m-demare/hlargs.nvim โ€“ Highlight arguments' definitions and usages, using Treesitter

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, tree-sitter
Watchers: 4 Forks: 8 Stars: 402 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-05
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข Pocco81/auto-save.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿงถ Automatically save your changes in NeoVim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, save-editor, save-files
Watchers: 4 Forks: 57 Stars: 494 Issues: 26
Last commit: 2023-12-05 (16 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-01
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข pocco81/auto-save.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿงถ Automatically save your changes in NeoVim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, save-editor, save-files
Watchers: 4 Forks: 57 Stars: 494 Issues: 26
Last commit: 2023-12-05 (16 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-01
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช FeiyouG/commander.nvim โ€“ Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly through Telescope

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, telescope-extension, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 11 Stars: 303 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-06
License: MIT License

โšช FeiyouG/command_center.nvim โ€“ Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly through Telescope

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, telescope-extension, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 11 Stars: 303 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-06
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก cshuaimin/ssr.nvim โ€“ Treesitter based structural search and replace plugin for Neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-treesitter, tree-sitter
Watchers: 10 Forks: 11 Stars: 779 Issues: 15
Last commit: 2023-11-10 (41 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-31
License: MIT License

โšช lvim-tech/lvim โ€“ LVIM IDE is a modular Neovim configuration written in LUA with full customization. LSP support for 60+ languages. Debug support for c, cpp, dart, elixir, go, haskell, java, javascript/typescript, lua, php, python, ruby, rust.

Topics: none
Watchers: 6 Forks: 29 Stars: 345 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-17
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

โšช yamatsum/nvim-cursorline โ€“ A plugin for neovim that highlights cursor words and lines

Topics: lua, neovim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 21 Stars: 360 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-06
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim โ€“ Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua.

Topics: lsp, neovim, neovim-lsp, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 17 Forks: 818 Stars: 3618 Issues: 94
Last commit: 2023-10-03 (79 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-15
License: Other

๐ŸŸก NTBBloodbath/doom-nvim โ€“ A Neovim configuration for the advanced martian hacker

Topics: doom-nvim, hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-configuration, neovim-lsp, neovim-lua
Watchers: 10 Forks: 109 Stars: 973 Issues: 28
Last commit: 2023-10-29 (53 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-20
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸก doom-neovim/doom-nvim โ€“ A Neovim configuration for the advanced martian hacker

Topics: doom-nvim, hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-configuration, neovim-lsp, neovim-lua
Watchers: 10 Forks: 109 Stars: 973 Issues: 28
Last commit: 2023-10-29 (53 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-20
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸข b3nj5m1n/kommentary โ€“ Neovim commenting plugin, written in lua.

Topics: comment, commenting, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 13 Stars: 534 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-11-29 (22 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-29
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข rmehri01/onenord.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ”๏ธ A Neovim theme that combines the Nord and Atom One Dark color palettes for a more vibrant programming experience.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, nord, onedark, theme, treesitter
Watchers: 4 Forks: 37 Stars: 433 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-04 (17 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-17
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข mvllow/modes.nvim โ€“ Prismatic line decorations for the adventurous vim user

Topics: hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 6 Forks: 7 Stars: 397 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-10 (11 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-27
License: none

๐ŸŸข tanvirtin/vgit.nvim โ€“ Visual git plugin for Neovim

Topics: git, git-porcelain, lua, neovim, scm
Watchers: 4 Forks: 11 Stars: 553 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2023-11-24 (27 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-22
License: MIT License

โšช ray-x/nvim โ€“ Personal neovim setup with 180+ plugins.

Topics: dotfiles, lua, neovim, nvim, nvimrc, vimrc
Watchers: 11 Forks: 24 Stars: 325 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-09
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก bennypowers/nvim-regexplainer โ€“ Describe the regexp under the cursor

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, regex, regexp, regular-expression, tree-sitter
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 569 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-11-17 (34 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-16
License: none

๐ŸŸข loctvl842/monokai-pro.nvim โ€“ Monokai Pro theme for Neovim written in Lua, with multiple filters: Pro, Classic, Machine, Octagon, Ristretto, Spectrum

Topics: colorscheme, lua, monokai-color-scheme, monokai-pro, monokai-theme, neovim, theme
Watchers: 4 Forks: 23 Stars: 284 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2022-11-20
License: MIT License

โšช m4xshen/smartcolumn.nvim โ€“ A Neovim plugin hiding your colorcolumn when unneeded.

Topics: colorcolumn, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 4 Forks: 11 Stars: 202 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2023-02-17
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข huggingface/hfcc.nvim โ€“ LLM powered development for Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 13 Forks: 23 Stars: 400 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2023-05-07
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข huggingface/llm.nvim โ€“ LLM powered development for Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 13 Forks: 23 Stars: 400 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2023-05-07
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช zbirenbaum/neodim โ€“ Neovim plugin for dimming the highlights of unused functions, variables, parameters, and more

Topics: lsp, lua, neovim
Watchers: 6 Forks: 10 Stars: 252 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-08
License: none

โšช shellRaining/hlchunk.nvim โ€“ This is the lua implementation of nvim-hlchunk, you can use this neovim plugin to highlight your indent line and the current chunk (context) your cursor stayed

Topics: chunk, indentline, lua, neovim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 16 Stars: 206 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-18 (3 days ago)
Created at: 2023-02-12
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข willothy/flatten.nvim โ€“ Open files and command output from wezterm, kitty, and neovim terminals in your current neovim instance

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, terminal, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 9 Stars: 320 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-09 (12 days ago)
Created at: 2023-03-10
License: MIT License

โšช kndndrj/nvim-dbee โ€“ Interactive database client for neovim

Topics: bee, database, database-client, golang, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 9 Forks: 11 Stars: 194 Issues: 20
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2023-01-24
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก f-person/git-blame.nvim โ€“ Git Blame plugin for Neovim written in Lua

Topics: blame, git-blame, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, vim
Watchers: 7 Forks: 34 Stars: 708 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-11-09 (42 days ago)
Created at: 2020-08-29
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข tamton-aquib/duck.nvim โ€“ A duck that waddles arbitrarily in neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 5 Forks: 4 Stars: 471 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-22 (29 days ago)
Created at: 2021-11-18
License: MIT License

โšช albingroen/quick.nvim โ€“ A very fast Lua based Neovim configuration that uses native LSP for intellisense

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, vim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 33 Stars: 262 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-29
License: none

โšช ramojus/mellifluous.nvim โ€“ Pleasant and productive colorscheme for Neovim

Topics: color-scheme, lua, meliora, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, nvim, theme
Watchers: 1 Forks: 9 Stars: 218 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-09
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก mrjones2014/legendary.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ A legend for your keymaps, commands, and autocmds, integrates with which-key.nvim, lazy.nvim, and more.

Topics: hacktoberfest, keybindings, keymap, keymapping, legend, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, neovim-ui, nvim, vim, vim-commands, which-key
Watchers: 9 Forks: 17 Stars: 903 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-10-23 (59 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข tiagovla/tokyodark.nvim โ€“ A clean dark theme written in lua for neovim.

Topics: colorscheme, neovim, theme
Watchers: 1 Forks: 15 Stars: 376 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-06 (15 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-20
License: none

โšช Avimitin/nvim โ€“ Useful, maintainable, multi-language supported neovim configuration.

Topics: dotfile, dotfiles, editor, ide, linux, lua, neovim, neovim-config, nvim, nvim-cmp, nvim-config, telescope, vim, vimrc, vscode
Watchers: 6 Forks: 50 Stars: 267 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-22
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข ruifm/gitlinker.nvim โ€“ A lua neovim plugin to generate shareable file permalinks (with line ranges) for several git web frontend hosts. Inspired by tpope/vim-fugitive's :GBrowse

Topics: fugitive, git, github, lua, neovim, plugin, vim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 33 Stars: 431 Issues: 29
Last commit: 2023-11-29 (22 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-12
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช lspcontainers/lspcontainers.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin for lspcontainers.

Topics: docker, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 6 Forks: 32 Stars: 280 Issues: 12
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-05
License: Apache License 2.0

โšช is0n/fm-nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ—‚ Neovim plugin that lets you use your favorite terminal file managers (and fuzzy finders) from within Neovim.

Topics: fff, file-manager, fm, fzf, fzy, gitui, lazygit, lf, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nnn, nvim, ranger, skim, twf, vifm, xplr
Watchers: 3 Forks: 15 Stars: 249 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (2 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-26
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช Civitasv/cmake-tools.nvim โ€“ CMake integration in Neovim

Topics: cmake, cmake-tools, dap-mode, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, neovim-plugins, nvim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 40 Stars: 203 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-08
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก utilyre/barbecue.nvim โ€“ A VS Code like winbar for Neovim

Topics: document-symbols, language-server-protocol, lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, plugin, winbar
Watchers: 3 Forks: 22 Stars: 576 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-11-07 (44 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-14
License: MIT License

โšช Robitx/gp.nvim โ€“ Gp.nvim (GPT prompt) Neovim AI plugin: ChatGPT sessions & Instructable text/code operations & Speech to text [OpenAI]

Topics: ai, chatgpt, codeium, copilot, cursor, gpt, gpt-4, gpt4, llm, lua, neovim, nvim, openai, plugin, speech-to-text, tabnine, vim, voice, whisper
Watchers: 6 Forks: 20 Stars: 205 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2023-06-18
License: MIT License

โšช ribru17/bamboo.nvim โ€“ Warm Green Theme for Neovim and Beyond

Topics: alacritty-colorscheme, alacritty-theme, colorscheme, dark-theme, iterm2-theme, kitty-themes, konsole-color-schemes, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-lua, neovim-theme, theme, treesitter, wezterm-colorscheme
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 174 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2023-06-01
License: Other

๐ŸŸก Olical/aniseed โ€“ Neovim configuration and plugins in Fennel (Lisp compiled to Lua)

Topics: fennel, lisp, lua, neovim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 30 Stars: 588 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-11-17 (34 days ago)
Created at: 2019-11-11
License: The Unlicense

๐ŸŸข crivotz/nv-ide โ€“ Neovim custom configuration, oriented for full stack developers (Ruby on Rails, ruby, php, html, css, SCSS, javascript)

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-configuration, nvim-compe, vim-plugins
Watchers: 9 Forks: 59 Stars: 527 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-11-22 (29 days ago)
Created at: 2020-01-10
License: none

โšช samjwill/nvim-unception โ€“ A plugin that leverages Neovim's built-in RPC functionality to simplify opening files from within Neovim's terminal emulator without nesting sessions.

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, plugin
Watchers: 5 Forks: 2 Stars: 187 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-22
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก dense-analysis/neural โ€“ AI Vim/Neovim code generation plugin (OpenAI, ChatGPT, and more)

Topics: ai, chatgpt, code-generation, gpt-3, linux, llm, machine-learning, macos, neovim, openai, vim, windows
Watchers: 6 Forks: 15 Stars: 367 Issues: 13
Last commit: 2023-11-19 (32 days ago)
Created at: 2022-12-21
License: MIT License

โšช olexsmir/gopher.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin for make golang development easiest

Topics: go, goimpl, golang, gomodifytags, gotags, gotests, impl, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-go, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin, nvim-treesitter, treesitter, vim
Watchers: 1 Forks: 9 Stars: 196 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (2 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-30
License: none

โšช creativenull/efmls-configs-nvim โ€“ An unofficial collection of linters and formatters configured for efm-langserver for neovim.

Topics: efm-langserver, formatters, linters, lua, neovim, nvim-lsp, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 5 Forks: 35 Stars: 210 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-23
License: MIT License

โšช kawre/leetcode.nvim โ€“ A Neovim plugin enabling you to solve LeetCode problems.

Topics: leetcode, leetcode-neovim, leetcode-nvim, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, plugin
Watchers: 4 Forks: 3 Stars: 257 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2023-09-16
License: MIT License

โšช Alexis12119/nvim-config โ€“ Generalized and Personalized

Topics: custom, lazy, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-lua, neovim-setup, nvchad, nvim, nvim-config, nvim-configs, nvim-configuration, nvim-lua, nvim-settings, nvim-setup, pde
Watchers: 5 Forks: 13 Stars: 177 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-07
License: none

โšช kvrohit/mellow.nvim โ€“ A soothing dark color scheme for neovim and friends.

Topics: colorscheme, dark, eye-candy, lua, mellow, neovim, nvim, theme
Watchers: 1 Forks: 13 Stars: 172 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-18 (3 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-11
License: MIT License

โšช chrisgrieser/nvim-genghis โ€“ Convenience file operations for neovim, written in lua.

Topics: neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 13 Stars: 154 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2022-11-21
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข VidocqH/lsp-lens.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin for displaying references and difinition infos upon functions like JB's IDEA.

Topics: lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 13 Stars: 202 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-12-07 (14 days ago)
Created at: 2023-02-08
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก esensar/nvim-dev-container โ€“ Neovim dev container support - Mirror of

Topics: containers, devcontainer, docker, lua, neovim
Watchers: 7 Forks: 8 Stars: 414 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-11-12 (39 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-07
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก lukas-reineke/headlines.nvim โ€“ This plugin adds horizontal highlights for text filetypes, like markdown, orgmode, and neorg.

Topics: lua, markdown, neorg, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, orgmode-nvim, vim, vim-plugin
Watchers: 7 Forks: 17 Stars: 466 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-11-13 (38 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-09
License: MIT License

โšช nvim-telescope/telescope-github.nvim โ€“ Integration with github cli

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, telescope
Watchers: 7 Forks: 19 Stars: 196 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข andrewferrier/debugprint.nvim โ€“ Debugging in NeoVim the print() way!

Topics: debugging, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, neovim-plugins, nvim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 12 Stars: 192 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (9 days ago)
Created at: 2022-08-08
License: none

โšช Iron-E/nvim-highlite โ€“ A colorscheme generator that is "lite" on logic for the developer.

Topics: colors, colorscheme, diy, inversion-of-control, lua, luajit, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, plugin, template, treesitter
Watchers: 2 Forks: 32 Stars: 223 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-18 (3 days ago)
Created at: 2020-06-19
License: Other

๐ŸŸข ecthelionvi/NeoComposer.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin that simplifies macros, enhancing productivity with harmony.

Topics: lua, macros, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 7 Stars: 323 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-26 (25 days ago)
Created at: 2023-04-22
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข craftzdog/solarized-osaka.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿฏ A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins.

Topics: neovim, solarized, theme, vim, vim-colorscheme
Watchers: 4 Forks: 7 Stars: 270 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (9 days ago)
Created at: 2023-09-15
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข NMAC427/guess-indent.nvim โ€“ Automatic indentation style detection for Neovim

Topics: autoindent, indentation, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-plugin, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 5 Stars: 293 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-11-28 (23 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-19
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข tanvirtin/monokai.nvim โ€“ Monokai theme for Neovim written in Lua.

Topics: colorscheme, monokai, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 54 Stars: 311 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-12-02 (19 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-09
License: MIT License

โšช echasnovski/mini.surround โ€“ Neovim Lua plugin with fast and feature-rich surround actions. Part of 'mini.nvim' library.

Topics: lua, mini-nvim, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 4 Stars: 145 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-24
License: MIT License

โšช MiaadTeam/lesvim โ€“ Nvim config focus on Javascript, Typescript, Rust and Lua - ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ’ช ( Fast and Powerfull ) - Deno and other typescript LSP working well together

Topics: copilot, deno, dotfiles, dprint, github-copilot, javascript, lsp, lua, luajit, neovim, nodejs, nvim, nvim-lua, react, react-native, rust, stylua, typescript, vim, wezterm
Watchers: 6 Forks: 18 Stars: 171 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (1 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-08
License: none

๐ŸŸข numToStr/dotfiles โ€“ ๐Ÿก /.dotfiles | Includes configs for neovim, tmux, zsh, alacrity, kitty, and more | Managed by GNU stow

Topics: alacritty, bash, config, dotfiles, fzf, kitty, linux, lsp, lspconfig, lua, neovim, nvim, scripts, shell, stow, terminal, tmux, zinit, zsh
Watchers: 13 Forks: 29 Stars: 294 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-07 (14 days ago)
Created at: 2020-02-27
License: none

โšช neanias/everforest-nvim โ€“ A Lua port of the Everforest colour scheme

Topics: everforest, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-plugin, neovim-theme
Watchers: 3 Forks: 10 Stars: 126 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-13
License: none

๐ŸŸข piersolenski/wtf.nvim โ€“ Delicious diagnostic debugging in Neovim ๐Ÿคค

Topics: ai, lsp, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 3 Stars: 233 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2023-08-14
License: none

โšช JoosepAlviste/dotfiles โ€“ My dotfiles for Neovim, Kitty terminal, Zsh, and a few other things.

Topics: dotfiles, kitty, lua, neovim, neovim-lsp, nvim, nvim-lua, zsh
Watchers: 8 Forks: 6 Stars: 196 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2018-05-31
License: none

๐ŸŸข freddiehaddad/feline.nvim โ€“ A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline, statuscolumn, and winbar for Neovim

Topics: neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, neovim-statuscolumn, neovim-statusline, neovim-winbar
Watchers: 6 Forks: 7 Stars: 207 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-28 (23 days ago)
Created at: 2023-02-16
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช Dkendal/nvim-treeclimber โ€“ Neovim structured editing plugin

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, nvim-treesitter, treesitter
Watchers: 5 Forks: 1 Stars: 153 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-20 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-11
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸก abecodes/tabout.nvim โ€“ tabout plugin for neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, tabout
Watchers: 4 Forks: 14 Stars: 621 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-10-22 (60 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-23
License: The Unlicense

โšช echasnovski/mini.indentscope โ€“ Neovim Lua plugin to visualize and operate on indent scope. Part of 'mini.nvim' library.

Topics: lua, mini-nvim, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 129 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-24
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข bitterteasweetorange/nvim โ€“ Neovim 0.9 configuration for coding React, TypeScript and Rust

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-lua
Watchers: 6 Forks: 33 Stars: 151 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (9 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-15
License: none

โšช AGou-ops/dotfiles โ€“ My personal dotfiles, about neovim, zsh shell, tmux...

Topics: golang, lua, markdown, neovim, neovim-dotfiles, vim-script, viml, vimrc
Watchers: 2 Forks: 25 Stars: 170 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-19 (2 days ago)
Created at: 2020-03-11
License: none

๐ŸŸข dmmulroy/tsc.nvim โ€“ A Neovim plugin for seamless, asynchronous project-wide TypeScript type-checking using the TypeScript compiler (tsc)

Topics: hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest-accepted, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-plugin, typescript, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 9 Stars: 238 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-11-27 (24 days ago)
Created at: 2023-04-22
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข joshukraine/dotfiles โ€“ ๐Ÿ“ My dotfiles for macOS using Neovim, Zsh or Fish, and Kitty or iTerm+Tmux

Topics: asdf, dotfiles, fish, fish-shell, iterm2, kitty, lazyvim, lua, macos, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-dotfiles, rails, ruby, tmux, vim, zsh
Watchers: 5 Forks: 39 Stars: 292 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2014-07-03
License: MIT License

โšช is0n/jaq-nvim โ€“ โš™๏ธ Just Another Quickrun Plugin for Neovim in Lua

Topics: lua, neovim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 13 Stars: 168 Issues: 12
Last commit: 2023-12-14 (7 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-30
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸ  numToStr/FTerm.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ”ฅ No-nonsense floating terminal plugin for neovim ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Topics: floating, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin, terminal
Watchers: 7 Forks: 25 Stars: 664 Issues: 21
Last commit: 2023-10-19 (63 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-09
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข uloco/bluloco.nvim โ€“ bluloco theme port for neovim

Topics: iterm2, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, neovim-theme, nvim, theme, vim, vim-colorscheme, vim-theme
Watchers: 3 Forks: 7 Stars: 193 Issues: 25
Last commit: 2023-11-30 (21 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-11
License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข chomosuke/term-edit.nvim โ€“ Vim Keybindings in Neovim's Built-in Terminal

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 0 Stars: 163 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-12-03 (18 days ago)
Created at: 2023-01-09
License: MIT License

โšช sownteedev/TeVim โ€“ NeoVim config for full-stack developer

Topics: awesome, lua, neovim, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 0 Stars: 108 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2023-09-05
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช gbprod/nord.nvim โ€“ An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Neovim theme.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, nvim, nvim-colorscheme, theme
Watchers: 5 Forks: 11 Stars: 111 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-16 (5 days ago)
Created at: 2022-12-01
License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License

๐ŸŸ  brainfucksec/neovim-lua โ€“ Neovim KISS configuration with Lua

Topics: dotfiles, ide, kiss, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, nvim, nvim-configs, nvim-lua, vim, vimrc
Watchers: 13 Forks: 119 Stars: 772 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-10-08 (74 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-29
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก windwp/windline.nvim โ€“ Animation statusline, floating window statusline. Use lua + luv make some wind

Topics: neovim, statusline, vim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 15 Stars: 425 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-11-08 (43 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-14
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก m4xshen/autoclose.nvim โ€“ A minimalist Neovim plugin that auto pairs & closes brackets

Topics: autoclose, autopair, autopairs, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 6 Forks: 10 Stars: 355 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-10 (41 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-07
License: MIT License

โšช echasnovski/mini.animate โ€“ Neovim Lua plugin to animate common Neovim actions. Part of 'mini.nvim' library.

Topics: lua, mini-nvim, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 4 Forks: 0 Stars: 100 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-17 (4 days ago)
Created at: 2022-12-22
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข linrongbin16/lsp-progress.nvim โ€“ A performant lsp progress status for Neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim, plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 3 Stars: 126 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2023-01-31
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  folke/twilight.nvim โ€“ ๐ŸŒ… Twilight is a Lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that dims inactive portions of the code you're editing using TreeSitter.

Topics: neovim, neovim-plugin, tree-sitter, treesitter
Watchers: 6 Forks: 17 Stars: 1005 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-09-25 (87 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-12
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข dasupradyumna/midnight.nvim โ€“ ๐ŸŒ™ A modern black neovim theme written in Lua, with comfortable color contrast for a pleasant visual experience, with LSP and treesitter support

Topics: black-theme, colorscheme, dark-theme, lua, midnight, midnight-theme, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, neovim-theme, theme
Watchers: 5 Forks: 3 Stars: 120 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-13 (8 days ago)
Created at: 2023-05-07
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸข tamton-aquib/staline.nvim โ€“ A modern lightweight statusline and bufferline plugin for neovim in lua. Mainly uses unicode symbols for showing info.

Topics: bufferline, lua, neovim, statusline
Watchers: 4 Forks: 13 Stars: 306 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-11-22 (29 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-12
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข ellisonleao/nvim-plugin-template โ€“ A neovim plugin template for github repos

Topics: busted, github, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plenary, plugin, template, templates
Watchers: 3 Forks: 9 Stars: 168 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-12-07 (14 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-14
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข svrana/neosolarized.nvim โ€“ Truecolor solarized theme for neovim in Lua using colorbuddy

Topics: colorbuddy, colorscheme, lua, nvim, solarized-dark-theme
Watchers: 3 Forks: 29 Stars: 140 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-12-13 (8 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-23
License: Other

๐ŸŸข ishan9299/nvim-solarized-lua โ€“ solarized colorscheme in lua for nvim 0.5

Topics: colorscheme, lua, neovim, nvim, solarized
Watchers: 4 Forks: 47 Stars: 160 Issues: 15
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-31
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก savq/melange โ€“ ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Warm color scheme for Neovim and beyond

Topics: color-scheme, colors, colorscheme, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-theme, nvim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 35 Stars: 545 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-10-23 (59 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-07
License: MIT License

โšช yaocccc/nvim โ€“ ๅผ€็ฎฑๅณ็”จ็š„nvim้…็ฝฎ ่ฏฆ็ป†็š„ๆ–‡ๆกฃ luaๅฎž็Žฐ

Topics: neovim, nvim, vim
Watchers: 1 Forks: 31 Stars: 147 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-14 (7 days ago)
Created at: 2020-05-29
License: none

๐ŸŸข SidOfc/carbon.nvim โ€“ The simple directory tree viewer for Neovim written in Lua.

Topics: file-explorer, lua, neovim, plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 5 Stars: 147 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-10 (11 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-14
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก numToStr/Navigator.nvim โ€“ โœจ Smoothly navigate between neovim and terminal multiplexer(s) โœจ

Topics: lua, navigation, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin, tmux, wezterm
Watchers: 4 Forks: 17 Stars: 350 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-11-12 (39 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-03
License: MIT License

โšช Ultra-Code/awesome-neovim โ€“ Awesome Configurations for C/C++, Zig, Rust, Python, Shell, Web and Lua development in NeoVim

Topics: awesome-neovim, lspconfig, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lsp, neovim-lua, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, nvim, paq-nvim, treesitter
Watchers: 2 Forks: 33 Stars: 112 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-18 (3 days ago)
Created at: 2020-02-19
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก AckslD/nvim-FeMaco.lua โ€“ Catalyze your Fenced Markdown Code-block editing!

Topics: none
Watchers: 5 Forks: 9 Stars: 297 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-11-05 (46 days ago)
Created at: 2022-08-03
License: none

๐ŸŸข cpea2506/one_monokai.nvim โ€“ One Monokai for Neovim

Topics: lua, monokai, neovim, one-monokai, theme
Watchers: 1 Forks: 6 Stars: 127 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (9 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-29
License: MIT License

โšช creativenull/diagnosticls-configs-nvim โ€“ An unofficial collection of linters and formatters configured for diagnostic-languageserver for neovim.

Topics: checker, diagnostic-language-server, formatter, formatters, linter, linters, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-lsp, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 8 Stars: 88 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-08
License: MIT License

โšช joelazar/nvim-config โ€“ My neovim config

Topics: autocompletion, config, configuration, configuration-files, copilot, developer-tools, development, golang, lazy, lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nnn, nvim, packer, programming, python, typescript, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 4 Stars: 98 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-18 (3 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-02
License: MIT License

โšช TheBlob42/drex.nvim โ€“ Another directory/file explorer for Neovim written in Lua

Topics: file-explorer, lua, neovim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 8 Stars: 91 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-18 (3 days ago)
Created at: 2021-11-09
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸ  nvim-focus/focus.nvim โ€“ Auto-Focusing and Auto-Resizing Splits/Windows for Neovim written in Lua. A full suite of window management enhancements. Vim splits on steroids!

Topics: lua, navigation, neovim, nvim, resizing, splits, vim, windows
Watchers: 6 Forks: 26 Stars: 605 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-10-13 (69 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-12
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  beauwilliams/focus.nvim โ€“ Auto-Focusing and Auto-Resizing Splits/Windows for Neovim written in Lua. A full suite of window management enhancements. Vim splits on steroids!

Topics: lua, navigation, neovim, nvim, resizing, splits, vim, windows
Watchers: 6 Forks: 26 Stars: 605 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-10-13 (69 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-12
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข benfowler/telescope-luasnip.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin. Telescope.nvim extension that adds LuaSnip integration.

Topics: lua, luasnip, neovim, nvim, telescope
Watchers: 4 Forks: 7 Stars: 153 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-12-06 (15 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-12
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข CharlesChiuGit/nvimdots.lua โ€“ Lazy AF neovim config, well structured in lua.

Topics: dotfiles, editor, foss, ide, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, neovim-setup, nvim, nvim-configs, nvimdots, open-source, vim, vimrc
Watchers: 1 Forks: 1 Stars: 100 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-13 (8 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-26
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข martineausimon/nvim-lilypond-suite โ€“ Neovim plugin for writing LilyPond scores, with asynchronous make, midi/mp3 player, fast syntax highlighting, "hyphenation" function, and support for LaTex and Texinfo files

Topics: asynchronous, audio-player, ftplugin, hyphenation, hyphenation-rules, latex, lilypond, lilypond-book, lua, lyluatex, lyrics, neovim, syntax, texinfo
Watchers: 5 Forks: 7 Stars: 98 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (9 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-26
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข Abstract-IDE/Abstract โ€“ neovim as an IDE

Topics: abstract-ide, ide, neovim, neovim-config, vim, vscode
Watchers: 4 Forks: 13 Stars: 176 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-01 (20 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-22
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก mawkler/modicator.nvim โ€“ Cursor line number mode indicator

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 5 Stars: 217 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-13 (38 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-04
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข ray-x/guihua.lua โ€“ A GUI library for Neovim plugin developers

Topics: fuzzy-search, lua, neovim-plugin, ui
Watchers: 5 Forks: 11 Stars: 138 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-06 (15 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-16
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข adoyle-h/one.nvim โ€“ All-in-one neovim config framework in Lua.

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-config, nvim-configs, nvim-configuration, nvim-settings, nvim-setup, nvimrc
Watchers: 3 Forks: 5 Stars: 124 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-30 (21 days ago)
Created at: 2022-11-09
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

๐ŸŸ  AlexvZyl/nordic.nvim โ€“ ๐ŸŒ’ Nord for Neovim, but warmer and darker. Supports a variety of plugins and other platforms.

Topics: colorscheme, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-plugin, neovim-theme, nord, nordic, nvim, theme
Watchers: 2 Forks: 26 Stars: 456 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-10-16 (66 days ago)
Created at: 2023-01-21
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข jghauser/follow-md-links.nvim โ€“ Easily follow markdown links with this neovim plugin

Topics: links, lua, markdown, neovim, nvim, plugin
Watchers: 1 Forks: 10 Stars: 122 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-12-08 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-16
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด jbyuki/instant.nvim โ€“ collaborative editing in Neovim using built-in capabilities

Topics: collaborative-editing, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, realtime-collaboration, websocket
Watchers: 17 Forks: 19 Stars: 1127 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2022-12-31 (354 days ago)
Created at: 2020-09-03
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค chipsenkbeil/distant.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿšง (Alpha stage software) Edit files, run programs, and work with LSP on a remote machine from the comfort of your local environment ๐Ÿšง

Topics: lua, neovim, remote-development
Watchers: 16 Forks: 8 Stars: 985 Issues: 14
Last commit: 2023-09-13 (99 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-01
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸก dcampos/nvim-snippy โ€“ Snippet plugin for Neovim written in Lua

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, snippets
Watchers: 5 Forks: 14 Stars: 268 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-11-12 (38 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-16
License: MIT License

โšซ nshen/learn-neovim-lua โ€“ Neovim ้…็ฝฎๅฎžๆˆ˜๏ผšไปŽ 0 ๅˆฐ 1 ๆ‰“้€ ่‡ชๅทฑ็š„ IDE

Topics: learn-vim, learning-by-doing, lua, neovim, nvim, vim, vimrc
Watchers: 22 Forks: 202 Stars: 1101 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2022-12-06 (380 days ago)
Created at: 2021-11-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข crusj/bookmarks.nvim โ€“ Remember file locations and sort by time and frequency and support telescope.

Topics: bookmarks, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, telescope
Watchers: 3 Forks: 11 Stars: 144 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-28 (23 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-03
License: MIT License

โšช zanglg/nova.nvim โ€“ Another color scheme for neovim written in lua, WIP

Topics: color-scheme, colorscheme, lua, neovim, nvim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 83 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-12-16 (5 days ago)
Created at: 2016-12-05
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก jbyuki/one-small-step-for-vimkind โ€“ Debug adapter for Neovim plugins

Topics: dap-server, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-dap
Watchers: 7 Forks: 8 Stars: 298 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-09 (42 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-23
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  tversteeg/registers.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ“‘ Neovim plugin to preview the contents of the registers

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, plugin, registers
Watchers: 4 Forks: 20 Stars: 562 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-10-08 (74 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-11
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข nguyenvukhang/nvim-toggler โ€“ invert text in vim, purely with lua.

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-lua
Watchers: 1 Forks: 3 Stars: 128 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-26 (25 days ago)
Created at: 2022-08-16
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข jghauser/papis.nvim โ€“ Manage your bibliography from within your favourite editor

Topics: academia, bibliography, citation, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, papis, references
Watchers: 2 Forks: 4 Stars: 118 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-11-27 (24 days ago)
Created at: 2022-09-30
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก alexghergh/nvim-tmux-navigation โ€“ Easy Neovim-Tmux navigation, completely written in Lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 3 Forks: 13 Stars: 193 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-11-20 (31 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-13
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip โ€“ luasnip completion source for nvim-cmp

Topics: lua, luasnip, neovim, nvim-cmp
Watchers: 8 Forks: 28 Stars: 486 Issues: 12
Last commit: 2023-10-09 (73 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-09
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸก aktersnurra/no-clown-fiesta.nvim โ€“ A dark Neovim theme written in lua trying to avoid looking like a clown fiesta

Topics: none
Watchers: 3 Forks: 16 Stars: 159 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-20 (31 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-10
License: none

๐ŸŸ  ziontee113/syntax-tree-surfer โ€“ A plugin for Neovim that helps you surf through your document and move elements around using the nvim-treesitter API.

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, treesitter-api
Watchers: 11 Forks: 8 Stars: 433 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-10-06 (76 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-13
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸข danielnehrig/nvim โ€“ neovim lua cfg

Topics: config, editor, ide, lua, neovim, pde, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 5 Stars: 93 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-03 (18 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-26
License: Other

๐ŸŸค pocco81/true-zen.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿฆ Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, neovim-ui, nvim, pretty, toggles, vi-mode, zen, zenmode
Watchers: 8 Forks: 19 Stars: 894 Issues: 19
Last commit: 2023-08-26 (117 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-16
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸค Pocco81/true-zen.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿฆ Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, neovim-ui, nvim, pretty, toggles, vi-mode, zen, zenmode
Watchers: 8 Forks: 19 Stars: 894 Issues: 19
Last commit: 2023-08-26 (117 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-16
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸค Pocco81/TrueZen.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿฆ Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, neovim-ui, nvim, pretty, toggles, vi-mode, zen, zenmode
Watchers: 8 Forks: 19 Stars: 894 Issues: 19
Last commit: 2023-08-26 (117 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-16
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก tiagovla/scope.nvim โ€“ Revolutionize Your Neovim Tab Workflow: Introducing Enhanced Tab Scoping!

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 10 Stars: 268 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-10-29 (53 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-02
License: none

๐ŸŸข cuducos/yaml.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ’ YAML toolkit for Neovim users

Topics: hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, nvim, telescope, yaml
Watchers: 5 Forks: 11 Stars: 152 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-21 (30 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-09
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข davidgranstrom/scnvim โ€“ Neovim frontend for SuperCollider.

Topics: lua, neovim, supercollider
Watchers: 10 Forks: 21 Stars: 159 Issues: 19
Last commit: 2023-11-23 (28 days ago)
Created at: 2019-01-29
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸ  axkirillov/easypick.nvim โ€“ A neovim plugin that lets you easily create Telescope pickers from arbitrary console commands

Topics: cli, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, telescope, telescope-extension
Watchers: 4 Forks: 3 Stars: 317 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-10-16 (66 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-27
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  terrortylor/nvim-comment โ€“ A comment toggler for Neovim, written in Lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 4 Forks: 21 Stars: 444 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2023-10-13 (69 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-09
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก UTFeight/vimacs โ€“ Feature-full Neovim Experience - With Emacs, JetBrains features OOTB

Topics: config, editor, editor-war, emacs, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, nvchad, peace, text-editor, text-editor-config, text-editor-configuration
Watchers: 5 Forks: 5 Stars: 263 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-11-02 (49 days ago)
Created at: 2023-07-13
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก utfeight/vimacs โ€“ Feature-full Neovim Experience - With Emacs, JetBrains features OOTB

Topics: config, editor, editor-war, emacs, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, nvchad, peace, text-editor, text-editor-config, text-editor-configuration
Watchers: 5 Forks: 5 Stars: 263 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-11-02 (49 days ago)
Created at: 2023-07-13
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด nvimdev/galaxyline.nvim โ€“ neovim statusline plugin written in lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 6 Forks: 117 Stars: 849 Issues: 58
Last commit: 2023-01-08 (347 days ago)
Created at: 2020-10-14
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด glepnir/galaxyline.nvim โ€“ neovim statusline plugin written in lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 6 Forks: 117 Stars: 849 Issues: 58
Last commit: 2023-01-08 (347 days ago)
Created at: 2020-10-14
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก olivercederborg/poimandres.nvim โ€“ Poimandres colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua

Topics: colorscheme, extra, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, nvim, nvim-lua, packer, pmndrs, poimandres, theme, treesitter, vim, wezterm
Watchers: 1 Forks: 17 Stars: 233 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-10-28 (54 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-16
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด Optixal/neovim-init.vim โ€“ ๐Ÿฎ A hybrid Neovim configuration for productive developers who want a functional yet aesthetic Vim experience ๐Ÿฎ

Topics: autocomplete, best, clean, configuration, custom, customizable, init-lua, init-vim, lua, minimal, neovim, neovim-config, nvim, plugins, productive, productivity, theme, tools, vim, vimrc
Watchers: 15 Forks: 204 Stars: 975 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-02-21 (303 days ago)
Created at: 2017-10-14
License: none

๐ŸŸก ellisonleao/carbon-now.nvim โ€“ Create beautiful code snippets directly from your neovim terminal

Topics: carbon-now, carbon-now-sh, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, plugin, snippets, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 7 Stars: 123 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-11-16 (35 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-22
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด petertriho/nvim-scrollbar โ€“ Extensible Neovim Scrollbar

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, plugin
Watchers: 8 Forks: 17 Stars: 711 Issues: 24
Last commit: 2023-05-23 (211 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-07
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก maxmx03/fluoromachine.nvim โ€“ Synthwave x Fluoromachine port for Neovim

Topics: colorscheme, fluoromachine, lua, neovim, nvim-plugin, retro, retrowave, synthwave
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 139 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-07 (44 days ago)
Created at: 2022-09-04
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด sidebar-nvim/sidebar.nvim โ€“ A generic and modular lua sidebar for Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, sidebar, sidebar-nvim, vim
Watchers: 9 Forks: 29 Stars: 703 Issues: 31
Last commit: 2023-02-05 (319 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-07
License: none

๐ŸŸก j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim โ€“ A simple plugin to easily manage Neovim buffers.

Topics: buffers, lua, neovim, nvim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 6 Stars: 167 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-11-02 (49 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-30
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก serenevoid/kiwi.nvim โ€“ A stripped down VimWiki for neovim

Topics: lua, markdown, neovim, plugin, wiki
Watchers: 6 Forks: 3 Stars: 114 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-11-10 (41 days ago)
Created at: 2023-07-13
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก disrupted/dotfiles โ€“ ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป My dotfiles including Neovim Lua config, ZSH with zinit plugin manager & powerlevel10k prompt

Topics: dotfiles, neovim, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, nvim-lua, powerlevel10k, terminal, tmux-conf, vim-configuration, vimrc, weechat-irc, zinit, zsh, zshrc
Watchers: 4 Forks: 7 Stars: 176 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-11-06 (45 days ago)
Created at: 2020-08-18
License: none

๐ŸŸก Tsuzat/NeoSolarized.nvim โ€“ NeoSolarized colorscheme for NeoVim with full transparency

Topics: lua, neosolarized, neovim, neovim-plugin, solarized-theme
Watchers: 4 Forks: 12 Stars: 118 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-09 (42 days ago)
Created at: 2022-08-03
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸก krady21/compiler-explorer.nvim โ€“ Run compilers and inspect assembly directly from Neovim with the help of

Topics: assembly, compiler-explorer, godbolt, lua, neovim, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 4 Stars: 116 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-11-13 (38 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-13
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  gaoDean/autolist.nvim โ€“ Automatic list continuation and formatting for neovim, powered by lua

Topics: lua, markdown, neovim, plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 3 Stars: 217 Issues: 13
Last commit: 2023-10-18 (64 days ago)
Created at: 2022-08-15
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก koenverburg/peepsight.nvim โ€“ Focus on one function at a time

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-configuration, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-configs, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 1 Stars: 95 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-14 (37 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-04
License: none

๐ŸŸค SmiteshP/nvim-navbuddy โ€“ A simple popup display that provides breadcrumbs feature using LSP server

Topics: document-symbols, language-server-protocol, lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 6 Forks: 25 Stars: 592 Issues: 16
Last commit: 2023-09-14 (98 days ago)
Created at: 2023-03-20
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸ  ThemerCorp/themer.lua โ€“ A simple, minimal highlighter plugin for neovim

Topics: hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest2021, highlighter, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, themer, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 23 Stars: 248 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-10-17 (64 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-15
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก Neelfrost/nvim-config โ€“ Personal neovim configurationโšก๐ŸชŸ - Fully configured for LaTeX, Python, Lua, C#, HTML, CSS, and Javascript - Neovim version: v0.9+

Topics: latex, latex-ide, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, windows
Watchers: 5 Forks: 3 Stars: 112 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-10 (41 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-11
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก adelarsq/neoline.vim โ€“ Status Line for Neovim focused on beauty and performance โœ…๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’š

Topics: blacklivesmatter, lua, neovim, nowar, statusline
Watchers: 4 Forks: 6 Stars: 219 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2023-10-25 (57 days ago)
Created at: 2020-05-07
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก cstsunfu/.sea.nvim โ€“ 21st-century Neovim configure. Mainly implemented by lua.

Topics: none
Watchers: 2 Forks: 9 Stars: 137 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-08 (43 days ago)
Created at: 2017-10-09
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸ  ziontee113/icon-picker.nvim โ€“ This is a Neovim plugin that helps you pick Nerd Font Icons, Symbols & Emojis

Topics: emoji, lua, neovim, nerd-fonts
Watchers: 2 Forks: 6 Stars: 247 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-10-09 (73 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-20
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  junnplus/lsp-setup.nvim โ€“ A simple wrapper for nvim-lspconfig and mason-lspconfig to easily setup LSP servers.

Topics: lsp-server, lua, mason, mason-lspconfig, neovim, nvim, nvim-lspconfig
Watchers: 5 Forks: 11 Stars: 212 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-10-13 (69 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-24
License: Apache License 2.0

โšซ nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim โ€“ Utility functions for getting diagnostic status and progress messages from LSP servers, for use in the Neovim statusline

Topics: lsp, lsp-client, lsp-status, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, statusline
Watchers: 8 Forks: 44 Stars: 605 Issues: 21
Last commit: 2022-08-31 (477 days ago)
Created at: 2020-05-18
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก optimizacija/neovim-config โ€“ Modern NeoVim config for IDE-like development

Topics: config, configuration, configuration-files, ide, init-vim, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-lsp, neovim-lua, nvim, nvimrc, vim
Watchers: 7 Forks: 38 Stars: 148 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-01 (50 days ago)
Created at: 2017-11-07
License: none

๐ŸŸค anuvyklack/windows.nvim โ€“ Automatically expand width of the current window. Maximizes and restore it. And all this with nice animations!

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 12 Stars: 454 Issues: 19
Last commit: 2023-07-08 (166 days ago)
Created at: 2022-08-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก t-troebst/perfanno.nvim โ€“ NeoVim lua plugin that annotates source code with profiling information from perf or other profilers

Topics: none
Watchers: 5 Forks: 3 Stars: 150 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-10-23 (59 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-08
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  yamatsum/nvim-nonicons โ€“ Icon set using nonicons for neovim plugins and settings

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, vim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 20 Stars: 309 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-10-01 (80 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-11
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด VapourNvim/VapourNvim โ€“ A NeoVim config for THE ULTIMATE vim IDE-like experience.

Topics: ide, lua, neovim, vim
Watchers: 9 Forks: 54 Stars: 512 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-03-31 (265 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-16
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸค glepnir/cosynvim โ€“ a modern structure neovim config template write in lua

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 6 Forks: 20 Stars: 348 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-09-12 (100 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค glepnir/dope โ€“ a modern structure neovim config template write in lua

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 6 Forks: 20 Stars: 348 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-09-12 (100 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค nvimdev/dope โ€“ a modern structure neovim config template write in lua

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 6 Forks: 20 Stars: 348 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-09-12 (100 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก julienvincent/nvim-paredit โ€“ A Paredit implementation for Neovim, built using Treesitter and written in Lua.

Topics: clojure, lisp, lua, neovim, nvim, paredit, vim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 4 Stars: 102 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-10-26 (56 days ago)
Created at: 2023-06-07
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก obaland/vfiler.vim โ€“ ๐Ÿ“ File explorer plugin for Vim/Neovim

Topics: file-explorer, file-manager, filer, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, vim, vim-plugin
Watchers: 5 Forks: 5 Stars: 114 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-10-31 (51 days ago)
Created at: 2018-02-22
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก tjdevries/vlog.nvim โ€“ Single file, no dependency, easy copy & paste log file to add to your neovim lua plugins

Topics: none
Watchers: 5 Forks: 9 Stars: 106 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-10-30 (52 days ago)
Created at: 2020-08-04
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด max397574/better-escape.nvim โ€“ Escape from insert mode without delay when typing

Topics: hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest2021, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 5 Forks: 12 Stars: 446 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-05-02 (233 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-14
License: none

๐ŸŸ  Vonr/align.nvim โ€“ A minimal plugin for NeoVim for aligning lines

Topics: hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, nvim, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 4 Stars: 121 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-10-21 (61 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-05
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸก iurimateus/luasnip-latex-snippets.nvim โ€“ A port of Gilles Castel's UltiSnip snippets for LuaSnip.

Topics: latex, luasnip, neovim, nvim, nvim-plugin, snippets
Watchers: 1 Forks: 35 Stars: 102 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-10-26 (56 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-17
License: Apache License 2.0

โšซ sunjon/Shade.nvim โ€“ An Nvim lua plugin that dims your inactive windows

Topics: none
Watchers: 6 Forks: 24 Stars: 459 Issues: 32
Last commit: 2022-10-16 (431 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-19
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค giusgad/pets.nvim โ€“ Display pets in your editor ๐Ÿฑ

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, terminal
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 381 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-07-31 (143 days ago)
Created at: 2023-02-10
License: Other

๐Ÿ”ด anuvyklack/pretty-fold.nvim โ€“ Foldtext customization in Neovim

Topics: foldtext, lua, neovim-plugin, neovm
Watchers: 4 Forks: 16 Stars: 398 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-04-14 (251 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-21
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸก mnabila/nvimrc โ€“ vimrc for neovim written in lua

Topics: neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, vim, vim-config, vim-configuration, vim-dotfiles, vimrc
Watchers: 2 Forks: 2 Stars: 131 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-10-22 (60 days ago)
Created at: 2019-04-22
License: MIT License

โšซ rafcamlet/nvim-luapad โ€“ Interactive real time neovim scratchpad for embedded lua engine - type and watch!

Topics: neovim, neovim-plugins, nvim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 488 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-12-11 (375 days ago)
Created at: 2020-03-31
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด edluffy/specs.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ‘“ A fast and lightweight Neovim lua plugin to keep an eye on where your cursor has jumped.

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim-lua
Watchers: 4 Forks: 9 Stars: 418 Issues: 18
Last commit: 2023-01-20 (335 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-14
License: none

๐ŸŸค feline-nvim/feline.nvim โ€“ A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline for Neovim written in Lua

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, statusline
Watchers: 5 Forks: 60 Stars: 1036 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-09-20 (92 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-13
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸค famiu/feline.nvim โ€“ A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline for Neovim written in Lua

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, statusline
Watchers: 5 Forks: 60 Stars: 1036 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-09-20 (92 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-13
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด luukvbaal/nnn.nvim โ€“ File manager for Neovim powered by nnn.

Topics: file-manager, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nnn, nvim, plugin, terminal
Watchers: 4 Forks: 7 Stars: 375 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-06-08 (196 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-30
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

๐Ÿ”ด tami5/sqlite.lua โ€“ SQLite LuaJIT binding with a very simple api.

Topics: database, luajit, luarocks, neovim, sqlite
Watchers: 6 Forks: 24 Stars: 417 Issues: 15
Last commit: 2023-05-08 (227 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-29
License: MIT License

โšซ hrsh7th/nvim-compe โ€“ Auto completion Lua plugin for nvim

Topics: neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 9 Forks: 55 Stars: 1287 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2021-10-02 (810 days ago)
Created at: 2020-06-10
License: MIT License

โšซ elihunter173/dirbuf.nvim โ€“ A file manager for Neovim which lets you edit your filesystem like you edit text

Topics: file-manager, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 6 Forks: 7 Stars: 414 Issues: 19
Last commit: 2022-10-19 (428 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-18
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด hoschi/yode-nvim โ€“ Yode plugin for NeoVim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 7 Forks: 2 Stars: 370 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-04-10 (255 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-31
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  Chaitanyabsprip/present.nvim โ€“ Presentation plugin for neovim written in lua

Topics: neovim, neovim-plugin, presentation, tui
Watchers: 1 Forks: 8 Stars: 105 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-10-15 (67 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-10
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด lewis6991/impatient.nvim โ€“ Improve startup time for Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 14 Forks: 28 Stars: 1219 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-05-05 (230 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-28
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  sitiom/nvim-numbertoggle โ€“ Neovim plugin to automatically toggle between relative and absolute line numbers. Written in Lua.

Topics: line-numbers, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 1 Forks: 1 Stars: 116 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-10-09 (73 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-04
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด luukvbaal/stabilize.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin to stabilize window open/close events.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin
Watchers: 4 Forks: 4 Stars: 331 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-04-14 (251 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-18
License: BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License

๐ŸŸ  barreiroleo/ltex_extra.nvim โ€“ Provides external LTeX file handling (off-spec lsp) and other functions.

Topics: grammar, latex, lsp, ltex, lua, markdown, nvim, vim
Watchers: 6 Forks: 13 Stars: 93 Issues: 13
Last commit: 2023-10-13 (69 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-25
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸค tzachar/highlight-undo.nvim โ€“ Highlight changed text after Undo / Redo operations

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 5 Forks: 3 Stars: 199 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-09-20 (92 days ago)
Created at: 2023-06-08
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸ  chrishrb/gx.nvim โ€“ Implementation of gx without the need of netrw

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 12 Stars: 110 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-10-06 (76 days ago)
Created at: 2023-03-14
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸ  Manas140/Conscious โ€“ Neovim config

Topics: config, dotfiles, lua, nvim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 5 Stars: 128 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-10-06 (76 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-29
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด ghillb/cybu.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin that offers context when cycling buffers in the form of a customizable notification window.

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 4 Stars: 286 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-04-28 (237 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  xiyaowong/coc-sumneko-lua โ€“ Lua extension using sumneko lua-language-server for coc.nvim

Topics: coc, coc-extension, coc-nvim, neovim, sumneko-lua
Watchers: 3 Forks: 9 Stars: 106 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-10-12 (70 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-09
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค miversen33/netman.nvim โ€“ Neovim (Lua powered) Network Resource Manager

Topics: lua, neovim, netman, nvim
Watchers: 7 Forks: 0 Stars: 282 Issues: 51
Last commit: 2023-09-09 (103 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-30
License: MIT License

โšซ svermeulen/vimpeccable โ€“ Neovim plugin that allows you to easily map keys directly to lua code inside your init.lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 8 Forks: 5 Stars: 362 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2022-04-24 (606 days ago)
Created at: 2020-09-06
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค andersevenrud/nvim_context_vt โ€“ Virtual text context for neovim treesitter

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 6 Forks: 14 Stars: 335 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-08-26 (117 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-24
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค haringsrob/nvim_context_vt โ€“ Virtual text context for neovim treesitter

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 6 Forks: 14 Stars: 335 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-08-26 (117 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-24
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค aaronhallaert/advanced-git-search.nvim โ€“ Search your git history by commit message, content and author in Neovim

Topics: git, lua, neovim, plugin, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 3 Stars: 231 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-08-07 (136 days ago)
Created at: 2023-03-01
License: Apache License 2.0

๐Ÿ”ด petertriho/cmp-git โ€“ Git source for nvim-cmp

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, nvim-cmp, plugin
Watchers: 12 Forks: 17 Stars: 306 Issues: 13
Last commit: 2023-05-30 (205 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-24
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  Iron-E/nvim-libmodal โ€“ Create new "modes" for Neovim!

Topics: callback-flow-control, callback-functions, free-software, library, lua, mapping-tools, modal, modal-editing, neovim, nvim, plugin, vim-libmodal, vim-plugin, vim-win
Watchers: 7 Forks: 7 Stars: 113 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-10-11 (71 days ago)
Created at: 2020-04-29
License: Other

โšซ hkupty/nvimux โ€“ Neovim as a TMUX replacement

Topics: lua, multiplexer, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, tmux, tmux-replacement
Watchers: 12 Forks: 18 Stars: 436 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2022-05-19 (581 days ago)
Created at: 2016-03-08
License: Apache License 2.0

๐Ÿ”ด ziontee113/color-picker.nvim โ€“ A powerful Neovim plugin that lets users choose & modify RGB/HSL/HEX colors.

Topics: color, color-picker, lua, neovim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 249 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-05-22 (212 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-26
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค declancm/cinnamon.nvim โ€“ Smooth scrolling for ANY movement command ๐Ÿคฏ. A Neovim plugin written in Lua!

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, plugin, scroll, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 4 Stars: 271 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-06-28 (176 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-28
License: none

๐ŸŸค NTBBloodbath/cheovim โ€“ Neovim configuration switcher written in Lua. Inspired by chemacs.

Topics: config-management, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, switching-configs
Watchers: 6 Forks: 14 Stars: 310 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-08-01 (142 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-21
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸค tamago324/lir.nvim โ€“ Neovim file explorer

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 25 Stars: 322 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2023-07-12 (162 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-20
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค filipdutescu/renamer.nvim โ€“ VS Code-like renaming UI for Neovim, writen in Lua.

Topics: none
Watchers: 4 Forks: 11 Stars: 287 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-09-05 (107 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-17
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸค fedepujol/move.nvim โ€“ Gain the power to move lines and blocks and auto-indent them!

Topics: lua, move, neovim, nvim, plugin, vim
Watchers: 1 Forks: 5 Stars: 280 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-07-05 (169 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-23
License: none

๐ŸŸค vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf โ€“ A Lua API for using fzf in neovim.

Topics: asynchronous, fuzzy-search, fzf, lua, neovim, plugin, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 11 Stars: 307 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-09-05 (107 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-02
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด LeonHeidelbach/trailblazer.nvim โ€“ TrailBlazer enables you to seemlessly move through important project marks as quickly and efficiently as possible to make your workflow blazingly fast โ„ข.

Topics: lua, motion, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, vim, vim-motions
Watchers: 4 Forks: 2 Stars: 191 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-04-08 (257 days ago)
Created at: 2023-01-11
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด glepnir/zephyr-nvim โ€“ A dark neovim colorscheme written in lua

Topics: colorscheme, lua, neovim, nvim-treesitter, treesitter, zephyr-nvim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 57 Stars: 310 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2022-12-31 (355 days ago)
Created at: 2020-10-06
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด nvimdev/zephyr-nvim โ€“ A dark neovim colorscheme written in lua

Topics: colorscheme, lua, neovim, nvim-treesitter, treesitter, zephyr-nvim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 57 Stars: 310 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2022-12-31 (355 days ago)
Created at: 2020-10-06
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค Rawnly/gist.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin that allows you to create a Github Gist from the current file

Topics: gist, lua, neovim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 4 Stars: 148 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-09-18 (94 days ago)
Created at: 2023-03-14
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค rawnly/gist.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin that allows you to create a Github Gist from the current file

Topics: gist, lua, neovim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 4 Stars: 148 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-09-18 (94 days ago)
Created at: 2023-03-14
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸ  0oAstro/dim.lua โ€“ Dim unused words in neovim

Topics: none
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 146 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-09-25 (87 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-08
License: none

๐ŸŸ  NarutoXY/dim.lua โ€“ Dim unused words in neovim

Topics: none
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 146 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-09-25 (87 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-08
License: none

โšซ nvim-lua/completion-nvim โ€“ A async completion framework aims to provide completion to neovim's built in LSP written in Lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 19 Forks: 79 Stars: 983 Issues: 81
Last commit: 2021-10-12 (800 days ago)
Created at: 2020-03-10
License: Apache License 2.0

โšซ 0xsamrath/kyoto.nvim โ€“ kyoto.nvim is a functional, beautiful, and highly customizable neovim configuration

Topics: dotfiles, lua, neovim, neovim-dotfiles, vim, vimrc, vimrc-configuration
Watchers: 3 Forks: 10 Stars: 283 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2021-12-09 (742 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-26
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

โšซ samrxth/kyoto.nvim โ€“ kyoto.nvim is a functional, beautiful, and highly customizable neovim configuration

Topics: dotfiles, lua, neovim, neovim-dotfiles, vim, vimrc, vimrc-configuration
Watchers: 3 Forks: 10 Stars: 283 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2021-12-09 (742 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-26
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸค AstroNvim/user_example โ€“ An example user configuration with a split up structure

Topics: astronvim, astrovim, lua, neovim, template
Watchers: 8 Forks: 708 Stars: 186 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-08-10 (133 days ago)
Created at: 2023-01-14
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua โ€“ nvim-cmp source for nvim lua

Topics: nvim-cmp
Watchers: 5 Forks: 7 Stars: 271 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-04-14 (251 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-17
License: none

๐ŸŸค potamides/pantran.nvim โ€“ Use your favorite machine translation engines without having to leave your favorite editor.

Topics: apertium, argos, deepl, google, lua, machine-translation, neovim, plugin, translation, translator, yandex
Watchers: 1 Forks: 2 Stars: 246 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-07-27 (146 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-08
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด matbme/JABS.nvim โ€“ Just Another Buffer Switcher for Neovim

Topics: buffer, lua, neovim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 9 Stars: 270 Issues: 12
Last commit: 2023-05-28 (207 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-30
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸค gennaro-tedesco/nvim-possession โ€“ ๐Ÿ“Œ the no-nonsense session manager

Topics: lua, neovim
Watchers: 1 Forks: 5 Stars: 157 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-09-12 (100 days ago)
Created at: 2023-01-11
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด ekickx/clipboard-image.nvim โ€“ Neovim Lua plugin to paste image from clipboard.

Topics: asciidoc, clipboard, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, nvim, pngpaste, wl-clipboard, xclip
Watchers: 4 Forks: 43 Stars: 279 Issues: 12
Last commit: 2023-05-23 (212 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-12
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค tomiis4/hypersonic.nvim โ€“ A Neovim plugin that provides an explanation for regular expressions.

Topics: awesome-neovim, lua, neovim, regex
Watchers: 3 Forks: 2 Stars: 178 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-07-10 (164 days ago)
Created at: 2023-01-25
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸค dhruvmanila/telescope-bookmarks.nvim โ€“ A Neovim plugin to open your browser bookmarks right from the editor!

Topics: bookmarks, lua, nvim, telescope
Watchers: 1 Forks: 14 Stars: 180 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-09-19 (93 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-22
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค dhruvmanila/browser-bookmarks.nvim โ€“ A Neovim plugin to open your browser bookmarks right from the editor!

Topics: bookmarks, lua, nvim, telescope
Watchers: 1 Forks: 14 Stars: 180 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-09-19 (93 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-22
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด gennaro-tedesco/nvim-peekup โ€“ ๐Ÿ‘€ dynamically interact with vim registers

Topics: lua, neovim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 6 Stars: 267 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-02-23 (301 days ago)
Created at: 2021-02-10
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด gennaro-tedesco/nvim-jqx โ€“ Populate the quickfix with json entries

Topics: lua, neovim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 4 Stars: 261 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-02-28 (296 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-04
License: MIT License

โšซ b0o/mapx.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ—บ A better way to create key mappings in Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-configuration, neovim-lua, neovim-lua-plugin, nvim, vim, vim-configuration
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 244 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2022-03-25 (636 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-27
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค beauwilliams/statusline.lua โ€“ A zero-config minimal statusline for neovim written in lua featuring awesome integrations and blazing speed!

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, statusline, tabline, vim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 10 Stars: 192 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-09-17 (95 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-31
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด Bekaboo/deadcolumn.nvim โ€“ A neovim plugin that shows colorcolumn dynamically

Topics: colorcolumn, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 3 Stars: 169 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-06-03 (201 days ago)
Created at: 2023-03-24
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšซ toppair/reach.nvim โ€“ Buffer, mark, tabpage, colorscheme switcher for Neovim

Topics: buffer, lua, neovim, switcher
Watchers: 2 Forks: 7 Stars: 217 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2022-11-21 (395 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-12
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด kevinhwang91/nvim-fundo โ€“ Forever undo in Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plug, neovim-plugin, nvim, undo
Watchers: 9 Forks: 1 Stars: 174 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-03-04 (292 days ago)
Created at: 2022-11-14
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

๐Ÿ”ด p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow โ€“ Rainbow parentheses for neovim using tree-sitter. Use instead

Topics: lua, neovim, rainbow-brackets, rainbow-parentheses, tree-sitter
Watchers: 11 Forks: 66 Stars: 875 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-01-02 (353 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-02
License: Apache License 2.0

โšซ tjdevries/nlua.nvim โ€“ Lua Development for Neovim

Topics: none
Watchers: 8 Forks: 21 Stars: 263 Issues: 16
Last commit: 2022-12-20 (366 days ago)
Created at: 2020-07-28
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค Furkanzmc/zettelkasten.nvim โ€“ A Vim Philosophy Oriented Zettelkasten Note Taking Plugin

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, note-taking, nvim, zettelkasten, zettelkasten-methodology
Watchers: 9 Forks: 8 Stars: 206 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-09-08 (104 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-27
License: The Unlicense

๐Ÿ”ด james1236/backseat.nvim โ€“ A neovim plugin that uses GPT to highlight and explain code readability issues

Topics: ai, copilot, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-lua, nvim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 4 Stars: 162 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-04-14 (251 days ago)
Created at: 2023-03-21
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด jvgrootveld/telescope-zoxide โ€“ An extension for telescope.nvim that allows you operate zoxide within Neovim.

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-plugin, nvim-telescope, zoxide
Watchers: 2 Forks: 12 Stars: 235 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-05-08 (227 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-27
License: MIT License

โšซ tjdevries/express_line.nvim โ€“ WIP: Statusline written in pure lua. Supports co-routines, functions and jobs.

Topics: none
Watchers: 11 Forks: 20 Stars: 250 Issues: 15
Last commit: 2022-03-30 (631 days ago)
Created at: 2020-07-01
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค eddyekofo94/gruvbox-flat.nvim โ€“ Another attempt of a flat Gruvbox theme for Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, theme, vim
Watchers: 1 Forks: 20 Stars: 227 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-09-06 (106 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-24
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด Everblush/everblush.nvim โ€“ A port of everblush.vim but written in lua

Topics: beautiful, everblush, hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, nightly, ricing, theme
Watchers: 3 Forks: 14 Stars: 194 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-05-11 (224 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-01
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด Everblush/nvim โ€“ A port of everblush.vim but written in lua

Topics: beautiful, everblush, hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, nightly, ricing, theme
Watchers: 3 Forks: 14 Stars: 194 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-05-11 (224 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-01
License: MIT License

โšซ Yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim โ€“ Inspired by oh-lucy theme in vscodium, with few tweaks!

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim, terminal, theme, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 13 Stars: 161 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-11-26 (390 days ago)
Created at: 2022-11-03
License: none

๐ŸŸค uga-rosa/cmp-dictionary โ€“ A dictionary completion source for nvim-cmp

Topics: lua, neovim-plugin, nvim-cmp
Watchers: 2 Forks: 7 Stars: 213 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-08-30 (113 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-26
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด bfredl/nvim-luadev โ€“ REPL/debug console for nvim lua plugins

Topics: nvim, repl
Watchers: 10 Forks: 5 Stars: 265 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-03-13 (283 days ago)
Created at: 2018-10-30
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด rmagatti/session-lens โ€“ A session-switcher extension for rmagatti/auto-session using Telescope.nvim

Topics: hacktoberfest, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 13 Stars: 211 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-04-30 (235 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-17
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด miversen33/import.nvim โ€“ A safe require override with niceties

Topics: lua, neovim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 1 Stars: 171 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-03-01 (295 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-11
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค nyngwang/NeoZoom.lua โ€“ A simple usecase of floating window to help you focus.

Topics: debug-adapter-protocol, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 13 Stars: 176 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-09-09 (103 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-04
License: MIT License

โšซ pianocomposer321/yabs.nvim โ€“ Yet Another Build System/Code Runner for Neovim, written in lua

Topics: asyncrun, build-system, build-tool, code-runner, lua, neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin, nvim, task-runner
Watchers: 5 Forks: 8 Stars: 204 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2022-06-05 (564 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-02
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด David-Kunz/jester โ€“ A Neovim plugin to easily run and debug Jest tests

Topics: jest, lua, neovim, nvim-dap, plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 9 Stars: 189 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-06-01 (203 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-11
License: The Unlicense

๐ŸŸค shortcuts/neovim-plugin-boilerplate โ€“ ๐Ÿ”Œ Plug and play Neovim plugin boilerplate with pre-configured CI, CD, linter, docs and tests.

Topics: boilerplate, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin, template
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 128 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-06-24 (180 days ago)
Created at: 2022-12-29
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด ixahmedxi/trashvim โ€“ The trashiest of neovim lua configs for the one and only trash_dev. ๐Ÿ—‘

Topics: catppuccin, lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-config, packer, treesitter, which-key
Watchers: 5 Forks: 20 Stars: 142 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-06-02 (202 days ago)
Created at: 2022-09-11
License: none

๐ŸŸค samodostal/image.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Image Viewer as ASCII Art for Neovim written in Lua

Topics: image-viewer, neovim, plugin
Watchers: 5 Forks: 2 Stars: 164 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2023-08-24 (119 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-08
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค utilyre/sentiment.nvim โ€“ Enhanced matchparen.vim plugin for Neovim

Topics: lua, matchparen, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin
Watchers: 4 Forks: 1 Stars: 130 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-07-14 (160 days ago)
Created at: 2023-02-10
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด jedrzejboczar/toggletasks.nvim โ€“ Neovim task runner: JSON/YAML + toggleterm.nvim + telescope.nvim

Topics: lua, neovim, plugin, task-runners
Watchers: 3 Forks: 3 Stars: 154 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-03-08 (288 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-05
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค projekt0n/caret.nvim โ€“ [WIP] The timeless colorscheme for neovim text editor.

Topics: colorblind, colorschemes, lua, nvim, retro
Watchers: 2 Forks: 0 Stars: 94 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-09-18 (94 days ago)
Created at: 2022-07-29
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด Yagua/nebulous.nvim โ€“ Minimalist Collection of Colorschemes for Neovim Written in Lua

Topics: colorscheme, dark, dark-theme, lua, neovim, nvim, theme, tree-sitter, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 10 Stars: 177 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-04-13 (252 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-24
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด NTBBloodbath/doom-one.nvim โ€“ doom-emacs' doom-one Lua port for Neovim

Topics: colorscheme, doom, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, neovim-lsp, neovim-lua, treesitter
Watchers: 3 Forks: 24 Stars: 173 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2022-12-24 (361 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-31
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด alvarosevilla95/luatab.nvim โ€“ Tabline lua plugin for neovim

Topics: none
Watchers: 3 Forks: 20 Stars: 171 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-06-08 (196 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-05
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด ziontee113/neo-minimap โ€“ Plugin for Neovim that lets you create your own "minimap" from Treesitter Queries or Vim Regex.

Topics: lua, neovim, plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 3 Forks: 7 Stars: 129 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-04-30 (235 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-13
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด Darazaki/indent-o-matic โ€“ Dumb automatic fast indentation detection for Neovim written in Lua

Topics: neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 11 Stars: 164 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-06-03 (201 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-18
License: MIT License

โšซ onsails/diaglist.nvim โ€“ Live render workspace diagnostics in quickfix with current buf errors on top, buffer diagnostics in loclist

Topics: loclist, lsp, lua, neovim, nvim, quickfix, workspace-diagnostics
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 166 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2022-09-01 (476 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-21
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด CosmicNvim/cosmic-ui โ€“ Cosmic-UI is a simple wrapper around specific vim functionality. Built in order to provide a quick and easy way to create a Cosmic UI experience with Neovim!

Topics: cosmic, ide, lua, neovim, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugin, neovim-ui, ui, vim, vim-plugin
Watchers: 7 Forks: 1 Stars: 157 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2022-12-30 (356 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-04
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšซ norcalli/nvim-terminal.lua โ€“ A high performance filetype mode for Neovim which leverages conceal and highlights your buffer with the correct color codes.

Topics: none
Watchers: 8 Forks: 8 Stars: 190 Issues: 9
Last commit: 2022-11-21 (395 days ago)
Created at: 2019-10-16
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด AckslD/nvim-trevJ.lua โ€“ Nvim-plugin for doing the opposite of join-line (J) of arguments, powered by treesitter

Topics: none
Watchers: 4 Forks: 10 Stars: 143 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-04-10 (255 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-04
License: MIT License

โšซ 0oAstro/silicon.lua โ€“ Beautiful code snippet images right in the most epic editor :chef_kiss:

Topics: none
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 149 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2022-12-03 (383 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-24
License: none

โšซ NarutoXY/silicon.lua โ€“ Beautiful code snippet images right in the most epic editor :chef_kiss:

Topics: none
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 149 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2022-12-03 (383 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-24
License: none

โšซ alec-gibson/nvim-tetris โ€“ Bringing emacs' greatest feature to neovim - Tetris!

Topics: aniseed, fennel, game, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, tetris
Watchers: 1 Forks: 7 Stars: 163 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2021-06-28 (906 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-13
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด andersevenrud/nordic.nvim โ€“ A nord-esque colorscheme for neovim

Topics: colorscheme, lua, neovim, nord, nvim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 14 Stars: 165 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-04-11 (254 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-18
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค shaunsingh/solarized.nvim โ€“ Port of the Solarized colorscheme for vim, written in lua, with treesitter support.

Topics: colorscheme, neovim, nvim, solarized, theme
Watchers: 5 Forks: 27 Stars: 154 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-09-01 (111 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-01
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

โšซ David-Kunz/treesitter-unit โ€“ A Neovim plugin to deal with treesitter units

Topics: lua, neovim, plugin, tree-sitter, treesitter
Watchers: 4 Forks: 2 Stars: 148 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2021-09-12 (830 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-21
License: The Unlicense

๐Ÿ”ด yioneko/nvim-yati โ€“ Yet another tree-sitter powered indent plugin for Neovim.

Topics: none
Watchers: 5 Forks: 2 Stars: 137 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-04-12 (253 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-06
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค itsuki0927/SkCode โ€“ SkCode = neovim + lua + vscode

Topics: lua, neovim, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 20 Stars: 135 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-08-05 (138 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-18
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด princejoogie/dir-telescope.nvim โ€“ Perform telescope functions in a selected directory

Topics: fuzzy-finder, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, plugin, telescope-extension, vim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 4 Stars: 111 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-03-26 (270 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-19
License: Other

๐ŸŸค uga-rosa/translate.nvim โ€“ Use any external translate command/API in nvim.

Topics: lua, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 8 Stars: 138 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-08-21 (122 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-10
License: MIT License

โšซ hoprr/calvera-dark.nvim โ€“ Calvera Dark Colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins

Topics: none
Watchers: 1 Forks: 7 Stars: 140 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2021-12-23 (728 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-06
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

โšซ yashguptaz/calvera-dark.nvim โ€“ Calvera Dark Colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins

Topics: none
Watchers: 1 Forks: 7 Stars: 140 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2021-12-23 (728 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-06
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

โšซ hoppercomplex/calvera-dark.nvim โ€“ Calvera Dark Colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins

Topics: none
Watchers: 1 Forks: 7 Stars: 140 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2021-12-23 (728 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-06
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐Ÿ”ด kazhala/close-buffers.nvim โ€“ ๐Ÿ“‘ Delete multiple vim buffers based on different conditions

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 4 Forks: 6 Stars: 138 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-06-02 (202 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-27
License: MIT License

โšซ jacobsimpson/nvim-example-lua-plugin โ€“ A simple Neovim Lua plugin using the Lua embedded in Neovim, suitable as a template.

Topics: neovim, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 19 Stars: 166 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2022-04-25 (605 days ago)
Created at: 2018-01-16
License: The Unlicense

โšซ ishan9299/modus-theme-vim โ€“ Port of modus-themes in neovim

Topics: colorschemes, lua, neovim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 10 Stars: 146 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2022-10-09 (438 days ago)
Created at: 2020-09-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค charludo/projectmgr.nvim โ€“ Quickly switch between projects and automate startup tasks.

Topics: developer-tools, lua, neovim, plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 5 Stars: 115 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-08-26 (117 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-16
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšซ RishabhRD/ โ€“ integration for neovim in elegant way

Topics: cheetsheet, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, popfix
Watchers: 2 Forks: 8 Stars: 138 Issues: 8
Last commit: 2022-12-17 (369 days ago)
Created at: 2020-12-26
License: none

๐ŸŸค kvrohit/rasmus.nvim โ€“ A color scheme for Neovim

Topics: bright, colorscheme, dark, lua, monochrome, neovim, nvim, theme
Watchers: 2 Forks: 5 Stars: 117 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-07-18 (156 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-14
License: none

๐ŸŸค tamton-aquib/flirt.nvim โ€“ A neovim plugin to work with floating windows.

Topics: hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest2023, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 1 Stars: 98 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-08-30 (113 days ago)
Created at: 2022-10-05
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด projekt0n/circles.nvim โ€“ uniform icons for neovim

Topics: lua, neovim-icons
Watchers: 2 Forks: 1 Stars: 117 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-04-08 (257 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-18
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด fgheng/winbar.nvim โ€“ winbar config for neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-ui, winbar
Watchers: 4 Forks: 22 Stars: 102 Issues: 16
Last commit: 2023-03-28 (268 days ago)
Created at: 2022-05-25
License: none

โšซ kvrohit/substrata.nvim โ€“ A cold, dark color scheme for Neovim

Topics: colorscheme, dark, lua, neovim, nvim, pale, theme
Watchers: 1 Forks: 6 Stars: 112 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2022-10-07 (440 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-18
License: none

โšซ winston0410/commented.nvim โ€“ Neovim commenting plugin in Lua. Support operator, motions and more than 60 languages! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Topics: neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 2 Forks: 2 Stars: 113 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2022-03-12 (649 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-29
License: MIT License

โšซ max397574/ignis-nvim โ€“ This are my neovim configurations. is more up to date

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 0 Stars: 111 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2022-05-17 (583 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-19
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

โšซ max397574/NeovimConfig โ€“ This are my neovim configurations. is more up to date

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 0 Stars: 111 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2022-05-17 (583 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-19
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸค jose-elias-alvarez/typescript.nvim โ€“ A Lua plugin, written in TypeScript, to write TypeScript (Lua optional).

Topics: lsp, neovim, neovim-lsp, neovim-plugin, typescript
Watchers: 8 Forks: 26 Stars: 497 Issues: 14
Last commit: 2023-08-12 (131 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-15
License: The Unlicense

โšซ s1n7ax/nvim-terminal โ€“ A Lua-Neovim plugin that toggles a terminal

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 113 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-06-29 (540 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-28
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค andersevenrud/cmp-tmux โ€“ Tmux completion source for nvim-cmp and nvim-compe

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim-cmp, nvim-compe, nvim-plugin, tmux
Watchers: 5 Forks: 7 Stars: 111 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-09-02 (110 days ago)
Created at: 2021-04-02
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด molleweide/LuaSnip-snippets.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin that provides snippets for the LuaSnip plugin.

Topics: lua, neovim, snippets-collection
Watchers: 6 Forks: 12 Stars: 103 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-01-04 (351 days ago)
Created at: 2021-11-09
License: none

๐ŸŸค nvim-lua/nvim-lua-plugin-template โ€“ A starter template for a Neovim plugin written in Lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 6 Forks: 12 Stars: 106 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-06-25 (179 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-23
License: none

โšซ AckslD/nvim-revJ.lua โ€“ Nvim-plugin for doing the opposite of join-line (J) of arguments written in lua.

Topics: none
Watchers: 5 Forks: 2 Stars: 108 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2022-04-11 (619 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-23
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด David-Kunz/cmp-npm โ€“ An additional source for nvim-cmp to autocomplete packages and its versions

Topics: lua, neovim, nvim-cmp, plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 100 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-06-12 (192 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-24
License: The Unlicense

โšซ monsonjeremy/onedark.nvim โ€“ OneDark NeoVim theme written in Lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 4 Forks: 13 Stars: 103 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-11-14 (402 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-23
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค NFrid/due.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin for displaying due dates

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, plugin
Watchers: 1 Forks: 4 Stars: 101 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-09-04 (108 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-14
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค nfrid/due.nvim โ€“ Neovim plugin for displaying due dates

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, nvim-plugin, plugin
Watchers: 1 Forks: 4 Stars: 101 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-09-04 (108 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-14
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค tjdevries/tree-sitter-lua โ€“ Neovim Tree Sitter Lua Grammar & Library

Topics: none
Watchers: 6 Forks: 7 Stars: 105 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-08-24 (119 days ago)
Created at: 2020-07-31
License: none

โšซ hackorum/nfs โ€“ Neovim config from my Neovim Lua From Scratch playlist on YouTube

Topics: dotfiles, linux, lua, mac, neovim, tutorial, vim, youtube
Watchers: 1 Forks: 26 Stars: 93 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-05-03 (597 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-05
License: none

โšซ s1n7ax/nvim-comment-frame โ€“ Detects the language using treesitter and adds a comment block

Topics: comments, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, plugin, treesitter
Watchers: 3 Forks: 0 Stars: 93 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-10-12 (435 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-18
License: MIT License

โšซ kabouzeid/nvim-lspinstall โ€“ Provides the missing :LspInstall for nvim-lspconfig

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-lsp, neovim-lua, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 7 Forks: 70 Stars: 526 Issues: 59
Last commit: 2021-10-20 (792 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-19
License: MIT License

โšซ tsbohc/zest.nvim โ€“ macros to configure neovim in fennel

Topics: fennel, lua, macros, neovim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 2 Stars: 88 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2021-10-15 (797 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-07
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด rlch/github-notifications.nvim โ€“ Statusline + Telescope integration for viewing and interacting with GitHub notifications

Topics: lua, lualine, neovim, neovim-plugin, statusline, telescope
Watchers: 2 Forks: 1 Stars: 80 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-06-15 (189 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-09
License: none

โšซ RishabhRD/popfix โ€“ Neovim lua API for highly extensible popup window

Topics: fuzzy-engine, fuzzy-finder, gui, lua, neovim, neovim-api, neovim-gui, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 3 Forks: 3 Stars: 84 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2022-07-04 (535 days ago)
Created at: 2020-09-14
License: none

โšซ AckslD/nvim-whichkey-setup.lua โ€“ Nvim-plugin what wraps vim-which-key to simplify setup in lua

Topics: none
Watchers: 3 Forks: 4 Stars: 70 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2021-04-18 (977 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-26
License: none

โšซ jaawerth/fennel-nvim โ€“ running fennel-lang natively in neovim

Topics: fennel, lua, native, neovim
Watchers: 5 Forks: 2 Stars: 73 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2020-07-14 (1255 days ago)
Created at: 2018-12-06
License: MIT License

โšซ oberblastmeister/neuron.nvim โ€“ Make neovim the best note taking application

Topics: asynchronous, lua, markdown, neovim, neovim-plugin, notes, plenary, wiki, zettelkasten
Watchers: 6 Forks: 35 Stars: 396 Issues: 21
Last commit: 2022-02-27 (662 days ago)
Created at: 2021-01-01
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค LinArcX/telescope-command-palette.nvim โ€“ Create key-bindings and watch them with telescope ๐Ÿ”ญ

Topics: commandpalette, lua, neovim, plugin, telescope
Watchers: 6 Forks: 8 Stars: 271 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2023-08-24 (119 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-17
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸค ethanholz/nvim-lastplace โ€“ A Lua rewrite of vim-lastplace

Topics: lua, neovim, plugin, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 9 Stars: 291 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-07-27 (147 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-02
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค askfiy/nvim โ€“ An excellent Neovim configuration, which is as powerful as Vscode, is lightning fast โšก

Topics: config, ide, lua, neovim, nvim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 23 Stars: 215 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-08-20 (123 days ago)
Created at: 2022-03-12
License: Mozilla Public License 2.0

โšซ ful1e5/onedark.nvim โ€“ Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Neovim, written in Lua

Topics: hacktoberfest, lua, nvim-theme
Watchers: 2 Forks: 13 Stars: 203 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-07-11 (528 days ago)
Created at: 2021-06-13
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด jameshiew/nvim-magic โ€“ :genie: Pluggable framework for using AI code assistance in Neovim

Topics: lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim, openai, openai-codex
Watchers: 5 Forks: 14 Stars: 196 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-06-08 (196 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-11
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค s1n7ax/dotnvim โ€“ Neovim Lua configuration pre-configured for Java, JavaScript, Typescript etc...

Topics: coc, dotfiles, lsp, lua, neovim, neovim-config, neovim-configuration, neovim-dotfiles, neovim-lua, nvim, treesitter
Watchers: 6 Forks: 18 Stars: 121 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-09-15 (97 days ago)
Created at: 2020-11-09
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸค brymer-meneses/grammar-guard.nvim โ€“ Grammar Guard is a Neovim plugin that checks your grammar as you write your LaTeX, Markdown or plain text document.

Topics: grammar-checker, languagetool-server, ltex, lua, neovim, plugin
Watchers: 4 Forks: 5 Stars: 153 Issues: 13
Last commit: 2023-08-12 (131 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-28
License: Apache License 2.0

๐ŸŸค nvoid-lua/nvoid โ€“ nvim with lua is cool

Topics: ide, lua, neovim, nvim, nvim-configs, nvim-lua, nvimrc, nvoid, vimrc, vscode
Watchers: 2 Forks: 5 Stars: 93 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-09-13 (99 days ago)
Created at: 2021-11-24
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšซ Theory-of-Everything/nii-nvim โ€“ A minimal neovim configuration

Topics: config, hacktober, linux, lua, neovim, neovim-config, nvim, telescope, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 6 Stars: 107 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2022-09-24 (453 days ago)
Created at: 2021-08-06
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšซ ur4ltz/surround.nvim โ€“ A surround text object plugin for neovim written in lua. (Fork from blackCauldron7/surround.nvim)

Topics: none
Watchers: 1 Forks: 18 Stars: 97 Issues: 6
Last commit: 2022-10-10 (437 days ago)
Created at: 2022-02-14
License: MIT License

โšซ AlphaTechnolog/pywal.nvim โ€“ pywal.nvim is a reimplementation of pywal.vim to support a few lua plugins like nvim-tree, telescope, bufferline, etc

Topics: autogeneration, bufferline, colors, colorscheme, lua, lualine, nvim, palette, pywal, reimplementation, telescope, theme, vim
Watchers: 3 Forks: 21 Stars: 92 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2022-11-03 (413 days ago)
Created at: 2022-01-06
License: none

โšซ B4mbus/oxocarbon-lua.nvim โ€“ A lua rewrite of the original oxocarbon theme.

Topics: ibm, lua, neovim, neovim-colorscheme, oxocarbon, theme, vim
Watchers: 1 Forks: 11 Stars: 82 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2022-12-10 (376 days ago)
Created at: 2022-08-04
License: MIT License

โšซ nekonako/xresources-nvim โ€“ ๐ŸŽจ Neovim colorscheme based on your xresources color

Topics: colorscheme, lua, neovim
Watchers: 2 Forks: 7 Stars: 84 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2021-11-23 (758 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-10
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

โšซ ahmedkhalf/lsp-rooter.nvim โ€“ lsp-rooter.nvim is a neovim plugin written in lua to change the current working directory to the project's root directory automagically using nvim native lsp.

Topics: none
Watchers: 2 Forks: 3 Stars: 77 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2021-08-13 (860 days ago)
Created at: 2021-05-20
License: Other

โšซ jose-elias-alvarez/buftabline.nvim โ€“ A low-config, minimalistic buffer tabline Neovim plugin written in Lua.

Topics: bufferline, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin
Watchers: 4 Forks: 4 Stars: 74 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2022-02-27 (661 days ago)
Created at: 2021-03-06
License: The Unlicense

๐ŸŸค neovim/lua-client โ€“ DEPRECATED

Topics: none
Watchers: 14 Forks: 23 Stars: 85 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-06-30 (174 days ago)
Created at: 2014-08-29
License: Apache License 2.0

โšซ nvim-treesitter/highlight.lua โ€“ a neovim syntax highlighter using treesitter

Topics: highlight, lua, neovim, treesitter-api
Watchers: 14 Forks: 4 Stars: 64 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2020-04-24 (1336 days ago)
Created at: 2020-02-21
License: Other


๐ŸŸข 422658476/MPV-EASY-Player โ€“ MPV-EASY Player - An easy to use, modern video player based on mpv ๏ผˆไธ€ไธชๅŸบไบŽMPV,ๆ˜“ไบŽไฝฟ็”จ,็ŽฐไปฃๅŒ–็š„่ง†้ข‘ๆ’ญๆ”พๅ™จ๏ผ‰

Topics: audio-player, ffmpeg, javascript, linux, lua, mac, media-player, mplayer, mpv, mpv-config, mpv-easy-player, mpv-player, mpv-script, multimedia, osc, player, qt, video, video-player, windows
Watchers: 11 Forks: 54 Stars: 882 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-11 (10 days ago)
Created at: 2018-03-26
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข Ajatt-Tools/mpvacious โ€“ Adds mpv keybindings to create Anki cards from movies and TV shows.

Topics: ajatt, anki, anki-cards, flashcards, language-learning, lua, mpv, mpv-script, spaced-repetition, subs2srs, subtitles, yomichan
Watchers: 8 Forks: 46 Stars: 450 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-12-07 (13 days ago)
Created at: 2020-08-03
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšช occivink/mpv-scripts โ€“ Various scripts for mpv

Topics: blur, crop, encode, ffmpeg, lua, mpv, script, seek
Watchers: 15 Forks: 40 Stars: 375 Issues: 35
Last commit: 2023-12-18 (3 days ago)
Created at: 2016-11-04
License: The Unlicense

๐ŸŸข Eisa01/mpv-scripts โ€“ This repository contain scripts I have made for mpv media player...

Topics: clipboard, lua, mpv, mpv-script
Watchers: 16 Forks: 31 Stars: 396 Issues: 26
Last commit: 2023-12-09 (12 days ago)
Created at: 2018-10-18
License: BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License

๐ŸŸข jonniek/mpv-playlistmanager โ€“ Mpv lua script to create and manage playlists

Topics: lua, mpv, mpv-script, playlist, script
Watchers: 21 Forks: 40 Stars: 455 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-11-28 (23 days ago)
Created at: 2016-06-16
License: The Unlicense

๐ŸŸก Zabooby/mpv-config โ€“ Personal mpv config files aiming to get the best quality and viewing experience

Topics: config, configuration-files, glsl, glsl-shaders, gui, lua, media-player, mpv, mpv-config, mpv-player, mpv-scripts, shaders, video, video-player
Watchers: 13 Forks: 9 Stars: 147 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-11-11 (40 days ago)
Created at: 2022-06-09
License: none

๐ŸŸก occivink/mpv-gallery-view โ€“ Gallery-view scripts for mpv

Topics: gallery, lua, mpv, script
Watchers: 11 Forks: 21 Stars: 168 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-11-06 (45 days ago)
Created at: 2017-12-31
License: The Unlicense

๐ŸŸค TheAMM/mpv_thumbnail_script โ€“ A Lua script to show preview thumbnails in mpv's OSC seekbar, sans external dependencies

Topics: ffmpeg, lua, mpv, mpv-script, osc, preview, previewer, thumbnails
Watchers: 20 Forks: 67 Stars: 642 Issues: 54
Last commit: 2023-08-07 (136 days ago)
Created at: 2017-12-05
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐Ÿ”ด davidde/mpv-autosub โ€“ Fully automatic subtitle downloading for the MPV media player

Topics: autosub, lua, mpv, mpv-player, mpv-script, srt, subliminal, subtitles
Watchers: 15 Forks: 36 Stars: 269 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-04-21 (244 days ago)
Created at: 2019-05-10
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด occivink/mpv-image-viewer โ€“ Configuration, scripts and tips for using mpv as an image viewer

Topics: image-viewer, lua, mpv, script
Watchers: 6 Forks: 21 Stars: 245 Issues: 16
Last commit: 2023-03-03 (293 days ago)
Created at: 2017-12-23
License: The Unlicense

โšซ Argon-/mpv-stats โ€“ Display file statistics in mpv.

Topics: graphs, information, lua, mpv, mpv-stats, stats
Watchers: 15 Forks: 19 Stars: 200 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2018-12-09 (1838 days ago)
Created at: 2015-04-11
License: GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1

๐Ÿ”ด jonniek/mpv-scripts โ€“ A collection of mpv scripts

Topics: lua, mpv, mpv-script, script
Watchers: 9 Forks: 7 Stars: 163 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-05-06 (229 days ago)
Created at: 2017-02-12
License: none

๐ŸŸค mfcc64/mpv-scripts โ€“ mpv lua scripts

Topics: audio-spectrum, audio-visualizer, equalizer, finite-impulse-response, spectrogram, vectorscope, waveform
Watchers: 12 Forks: 26 Stars: 135 Issues: 14
Last commit: 2023-08-13 (130 days ago)
Created at: 2017-04-15
License: The Unlicense

โšซ cniw/mpv-discordRPC โ€“ Discord Rich Presence integration for mpv Media Player

Topics: discord, discord-rich-presence, discord-rpc, linux, lua, lua-script, luajit, mac, mpv, mpv-discordrpc, mpv-media-player, mpv-script, osx, python, python3, rich-presence, script, windows
Watchers: 5 Forks: 10 Stars: 130 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2022-08-08 (500 days ago)
Created at: 2018-05-22
License: MIT License

โšซ wiiaboo/mpv-scripts โ€“ Scripts I've made or adapted from others

Topics: lua, mpv, subliminal, user-scripts
Watchers: 10 Forks: 21 Stars: 86 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2020-09-19 (1188 days ago)
Created at: 2015-08-04
License: MIT License

โšซ rossy/mpv-repl โ€“ A graphical REPL for mpv input commands

Topics: isc, lua, mpv, mpv-script, repl, script
Watchers: 8 Forks: 9 Stars: 75 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2019-12-07 (1475 days ago)
Created at: 2016-10-27
License: ISC License


โšช zbirenbaum/copilot.lua โ€“ Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot

Topics: copilot, github-copilot, lsp-server, lua, neovim, nvim-cmp
Watchers: 9 Forks: 46 Stars: 1781 Issues: 18
Last commit: 2023-12-15 (6 days ago)
Created at: 2022-04-02
License: MIT License

โšช ibhagwan/fzf-lua โ€“ Improved fzf.vim written in lua

Topics: fzf, lua, neovim, neovim-plugin, nvim
Watchers: 9 Forks: 96 Stars: 1439 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-11
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸข shaeinst/roshnivim โ€“ neovim as an IDE

Topics: abstract-ide, ide, neovim, neovim-config, vim, vscode
Watchers: 4 Forks: 13 Stars: 176 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-01 (20 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-22
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก tjdevries/vim9jit โ€“ a vim9script -> lua transpiler (written in Rust)

Topics: hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest2022
Watchers: 14 Forks: 22 Stars: 464 Issues: 15
Last commit: 2023-10-27 (55 days ago)
Created at: 2020-06-16
License: MIT License

๐ŸŸก archibate/vimrc โ€“ my personal vim configurations

Topics: dotfiles, lua, neovim, neovim-configuration, neovim-lua-plugin, neovim-plugins, personal-config, vim, vim-configuration, vim-plugin, vim-plugins, vimrc
Watchers: 3 Forks: 38 Stars: 165 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-11-20 (31 days ago)
Created at: 2021-12-19
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด dbalatero/VimMode.spoon โ€“ Adds vim keybindings to all OS X inputs

Topics: hammerspoon, lua, macvim, osx, vim
Watchers: 16 Forks: 28 Stars: 635 Issues: 25
Last commit: 2023-04-11 (254 days ago)
Created at: 2018-06-19
License: none

โšซ katono/rogue.vim โ€“ Porting of Rogue-clone II for Vim

Topics: game, lua, rogue, vim, vim-plugins
Watchers: 3 Forks: 8 Stars: 93 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2021-11-21 (760 days ago)
Created at: 2014-09-06
License: Other

โšซ xolox/vim-lua-inspect โ€“ Semantic highlighting for Lua in Vim

Topics: none
Watchers: 11 Forks: 8 Stars: 94 Issues: 5
Last commit: 2016-08-06 (2693 days ago)
Created at: 2010-07-27
License: none


โšช nmap/nmap โ€“ Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.

Topics: asynchronous, c-plus-plus, libpcap, linux, lua, machine-learning, netcat, network-discovery, nmap, osx, pcre, ping, port-scanner, security, service-discovery, socket, windows
Watchers: 427 Forks: 2255 Stars: 8661 Issues: 795
Last commit: 2023-12-14 (7 days ago)
Created at: 2012-03-09
License: Other

๐ŸŸก awesomeWM/awesome โ€“ awesome window manager

Topics: awesomewm, c, hacktoberfest, lua, window-manager, xorg
Watchers: 163 Forks: 587 Stars: 5926 Issues: 553
Last commit: 2023-11-19 (32 days ago)
Created at: 2014-03-03
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸ  lcpz/awesome-copycats โ€“ Awesome WM themes

Topics: awesomewm, lua, themes
Watchers: 113 Forks: 535 Stars: 2970 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-10-10 (72 days ago)
Created at: 2013-03-15
License: none

๐ŸŸค scipag/vulscan โ€“ Advanced vulnerability scanning with Nmap NSE

Topics: exploit, lua, lua-script, nmap, nmap-scan-script, nmap-scripts, nse, nsescript, penetration-testing, security, security-audit, security-scanner, vulnerability, vulnerability-assessment, vulnerability-database-entry, vulnerability-databases, vulnerability-detection, vulnerability-identification, vulnerability-scanners, vulnerability-scanning
Watchers: 139 Forks: 667 Stars: 3165 Issues: 7
Last commit: 2023-07-23 (151 days ago)
Created at: 2017-03-10
License: Other

โšช abzcoding/lvim โ€“ ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿš€ Bloated LunarVim ๐Ÿš€

Topics: lua, lunarvim, lvim, neovim, nvim, vim
Watchers: 15 Forks: 67 Stars: 431 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2023-12-21 (0 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-21
License: MIT License

โšช vicious-widgets/vicious โ€“ Vicious is a modular widget library for the "awesome" window manager.

Topics: awesomewm, lua, widget-libraries
Watchers: 15 Forks: 58 Stars: 375 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2023-12-14 (7 days ago)
Created at: 2010-12-18
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

๐ŸŸก Crylia/crylia-theme โ€“ A theme for AwesomeWM

Topics: awesome-wm, awesomewm, config, dotfiles, linux, lua
Watchers: 7 Forks: 26 Stars: 470 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2023-10-25 (57 days ago)
Created at: 2021-09-12
License: none

๐ŸŸข Open-Markets-Initiative/wireshark-lua โ€“ Source generated cross platform Wireshark dissectors

Topics: dissector, lua, wireshark
Watchers: 15 Forks: 54 Stars: 155 Issues: 4
Last commit: 2023-12-12 (9 days ago)
Created at: 2017-02-25
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

๐ŸŸค WillPower3309/awesome-dotfiles โ€“ Dotfiles for awesome people using the awesomewm linux environment

Topics: arch, awesome, awesomewm, config, dotfiles, emacs, linux, lua, neovim, nvim, picom, rice, rofi, theme, vim
Watchers: 23 Forks: 76 Stars: 1092 Issues: 17
Last commit: 2023-06-25 (179 days ago)
Created at: 2019-11-25
License: none

๐ŸŸค lcpz/lain โ€“ Awesome WM complements

Topics: asynchronous, awesomewm, layouts, lua, utilities, widgets
Watchers: 43 Forks: 217 Stars: 1033 Issues: 39
Last commit: 2023-09-05 (107 days ago)
Created at: 2013-09-07
License: GNU General Public License v2.0

โšซ cldrn/nmap-nse-scripts โ€“ My collection of nmap NSE scripts

Topics: lua, nmap, nmap-scripts, nse, nsescript
Watchers: 99 Forks: 385 Stars: 924 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-01-22 (698 days ago)
Created at: 2011-05-31
License: none

๐ŸŸค ChristianChiarulli/lvim โ€“ My config for LunarVim

Topics: config, init, lua, lunarvim, lvim, neovim, vim, vimrc
Watchers: 15 Forks: 90 Stars: 270 Issues: 10
Last commit: 2023-07-04 (169 days ago)
Created at: 2021-07-20
License: none

โšซ 128technology/protobuf_dissector โ€“ A Wireshark Lua plugin for decoding Google protobuf packets

Topics: none
Watchers: 22 Forks: 55 Stars: 180 Issues: 11
Last commit: 2019-01-19 (1797 days ago)
Created at: 2015-09-03
License: MIT License

โšซ 4ban/awesome-ban โ€“ Awesome WM 4.x theme configs

Topics: awesome, awesome-wm, awesomewm, config, configs, configuration-files, dotfiles, lua, theme, themes
Watchers: 2 Forks: 21 Stars: 166 Issues: 2
Last commit: 2022-01-11 (709 days ago)
Created at: 2018-02-06
License: MIT License

โšซ pltanton/net_widgets โ€“ Network widgets for Awesome WM

Topics: awesome, awesomewm, lua, netctl, network, widget
Watchers: 7 Forks: 39 Stars: 155 Issues: 3
Last commit: 2021-02-11 (1043 days ago)
Created at: 2015-01-23
License: MIT License

๐Ÿ”ด suconakh/awesome-awesome-rc โ€“ Modularized AwesomeWM rc.lua

Topics: awesomewm, dotfiles, rice
Watchers: 3 Forks: 12 Stars: 104 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2023-03-05 (291 days ago)
Created at: 2021-10-13
License: none

๐Ÿ”ด foggyspace/NsePocsuite-lua โ€“ ็ฝ‘็ปœๆ‘„ๅƒๅคดๆผๆดžๆฃ€ๆต‹่„šๆœฌ.Nmap (Nse Nmap script engine)

Topics: lua, lua-script, nmap, nmap-scripts, nsescript, poc
Watchers: 3 Forks: 15 Stars: 119 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2022-12-31 (355 days ago)
Created at: 2019-08-20
License: none

โšซ scipag/httprecon-nse โ€“ Advanced web server fingerprinting for Nmap

Topics: fingerprinting, lua, nmap, nmap-scan-script, nmap-scripts, nse, nsescript, penetration-testing, vulnerability-assessment, vulnerability-detection, vulnerability-identification, vulnerability-scanners, webserver, webserver-benchmarking
Watchers: 9 Forks: 29 Stars: 116 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2017-09-29 (2274 days ago)
Created at: 2017-03-15
License: GNU General Public License v3.0

โšซ jamores/eth-ws-someip โ€“ Automotive Ethernet SOME/IP-SD Wireshark LUA dissectors (Autosar 4.2)

Topics: automotive-ethernet, someip, wireshark
Watchers: 23 Forks: 55 Stars: 114 Issues: 0
Last commit: 2019-10-22 (1521 days ago)
Created at: 2016-07-15
License: MIT License

โšซ MArpogaus/awesome-ayu โ€“ Minimalistic awesome window manager theme using the gorgeous ayu color palette.

Topics: awesomewm, ayu-colors, ayu-theme, color-scheme, copycats, linux, lua, mononoki, owfont, theme, wpgtk
Watchers: 1 Forks: 4 Stars: 84 Issues: 1
Last commit: 2021-01-08 (1077 days ago)
Created at: 2019-04-09
License: MIT License